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House Bill 54 - 136th General Assembly

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Legislation General Information

Make appropriations for transportation for FY 2026-27 biennium

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To amend sections 101.27, 117.12, 154.01, 306.30, 306.35, 306.43, 717.02, 1548.061, 2935.03, 3503.11, 3704.14, 4501.01, 4503.10, 4503.102, 4503.103, 4503.21, 4505.08, 4506.01, 4506.09, 4506.11, 4507.01, 4507.061, 4507.13, 4507.21, 4507.52, 4508.02, 4511.01, 4511.031, 4511.09, 4511.091, 4511.092, 4511.093, 4511.094, 4511.11, 4511.13, 4511.131, 4511.132, 4511.18, 4511.204, 4511.21, 4511.211, 4511.214, 4511.432, 4511.46, 4511.48, 4511.512, 4511.61, 4511.62, 4511.64, 4511.65, 4511.68, 4511.701, 4511.712, 4511.76, 4513.071, 4513.38, 4513.41, 4517.02, 4517.24, 4519.401, 4955.50, 4955.51, 5501.20, 5501.41, 5501.441, 5512.07, 5513.01, 5515.01, 5515.02, 5515.99, 5517.02, 5517.021, 5521.01, 5525.03, 5525.04, 5525.08, 5525.14, 5525.16, 5537.02, 5571.01, and 5747.502; to enact sections 117.56, 1548.062, 4503.183, 4503.211, 4505.072, 4511.15, 4511.765, 4923.12, 4955.52, 4955.53, 4955.55, 4955.57, 5501.041, 5501.421, 5515.10, 5517.012, and 5517.08; and to repeal sections 4506.072, 4507.021, 4507.063, 4507.511, 4511.351, 4511.491, and 5501.60 of the Revised Code and to amend Sections 200.20, 200.30 as subsequently amended, 243.10, and 243.20 of H.B. 2 of the 135th General Assembly and Section 755.20 of H.B. 23 of the 135th General Assembly to make appropriations for programs related to transportation for the biennium beginning July 1, 2025, and ending June 30, 2027, and to provide authorization and conditions for the operation of those programs.
Introduced In House Checked Introduced In House
In House Committee Checked In House Committee
Reported By Committee Checked Reported By Committee
Passed By House Checked Passed By House
Introduced In Senate Checked Introduced In Senate
In Senate Committee Checked In Senate Committee
Reported By Committee Checked Reported By Committee
Passed By Senate Checked Passed By Senate
Sent To The Governor Checked Sent To The Governor

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Finance and Appropriations Public Safety Taxation Transportation Transportation: Highways, Roads, and Bridges Transportation: Motor Vehicles


House Finance Committee Senate Transportation Committee

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Munira Abdullahi Cindy Abrams Rachel B. Baker Tim Barhorst Adam C. Bird Sean P. Brennan Juanita O. Brent Darnell T. Brewer Jamie Callender Thaddeus J. Claggett Gary Click Christine Cockley Rodney Creech Jack K. Daniels Kellie Deeter Steve Demetriou Sedrick Denson Michael D. Dovilla Tex Fischer Sarah Fowler Arthur Haraz N. Ghanbari Chris Glassburn Michele Grim Derrick Hall Thomas Hall Mark Hiner Adam Holmes James M. Hoops Latyna M. Humphrey Dontavius L. Jarrells Marilyn John Mark Johnson Don Jones Angela N. King Matthew Kishman Roy Klopfenstein Brian Lampton Meredith R. Lawson-Rowe Beth Lear Crystal Lett Brian Lorenz Gayle Manning Adam Mathews Ty D. Mathews Riordan T. McClain Lauren McNally Joseph A. Miller, III Kevin D. Miller Melanie Miller Ismail Mohamed Diane Mullins Johnathan Newman Bob Peterson Beryl Piccolantonio Justin Pizzulli Phil Plummer Tristan Rader Sharon A. Ray Kevin Ritter Monica Robb Blasdel Phillip M. Robinson, Jr. Bill Roemer Elgin Rogers, Jr. C. Allison Russo Jodi Salvo Nick Santucci Jean Schmidt Mark Sigrist Veronica R. Sims Anita Somani Jason Stephens Eric Synenberg Michelle Teska Cecil Thomas David Thomas Daniel P. Troy Terrence Upchurch Andrea White Erika White Josh Williams Bernard Willis Heidi Workman Tom Young
Nickie J. Antonio Willis E. Blackshear, Jr. Andrew O. Brenner Jerry C. Cirino Hearcel F. Craig Al Cutrona William P. DeMora Theresa Gavarone Paula Hicks-Hudson Stephen A. Huffman Catherine D. Ingram Terry Johnson Al Landis George F. Lang Beth Liston Nathan H. Manning Bill Reineke Michele Reynolds Kristina D. Roegner Mark Romanchuk Tim Schaffer Jane M. Timken Casey Weinstein Shane Wilkin