Welcome From The Speaker
Thank you for visiting the official website of the Ohio House of Representatives. This site can serve as a helpful resource when you are looking for information on your respective representative, the legislative process, committee information and much, much more.
At the "People's House" it is our goal to steward good public policy aimed at benefitting Ohio families. The foundation of this state and country was built upon the hard work of active and informed citizens, and by doing your part to learn more about this branch of Ohio's government, you are carrying that torch forward.
OhioHouse.gov provides helpful tools to answer questions you might have on state matters. Whether you are seeking to contact your local representative, read news about recent legislation or just stay up to date on when House session and committees will meet again, you have come to the right place to learn more about a process that works best with constituent input.
Please feel free to reach out to your representative's office if you have any questions or ideas in reference to this site or any other legislative matters. I hope through this website, you will be better connected with those who serve you and the work we are doing in the House for you and your family.