House Bill 64 - 136th General Assembly
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Legislation General Information
Revise age for discounted hunting, fishing licenses and permits
Long Title +To amend sections 1533.10, 1533.11, 1533.111, 1533.32, and 1533.321 of the Revised Code to allow Ohio residents who are 65 and up, instead of 66 and up, to qualify for discounted hunting and fishing licenses and permits.
Current Version
As Passed by the House
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Environment and Natural Resources Environment and Natural Resources: Hunting and FishingCommittees
House Natural Resources CommitteeLegislation Documents
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As Passed By House (PDF)Analysis
As Passed By House (PDF)Fiscal Notes
As Passed By House (PDF)Primary Sponsors
Cindy Abrams
Adam C. Bird
Sean P. Brennan
Juanita O. Brent
Darnell T. Brewer
Karen Brownlee
Jamie Callender
Thaddeus J. Claggett
Gary Click
Rodney Creech
Jack K. Daniels
Levi Dean
Steve Demetriou
Sedrick Denson
Ron Ferguson
Tex Fischer
Sarah Fowler Arthur
Haraz N. Ghanbari
Chris Glassburn
Michele Grim
Jennifer Gross
Thomas Hall
Mark Hiner
James M. Hoops
Marilyn John
Mark Johnson
Don Jones
Angela N. King
Matthew Kishman
Roy Klopfenstein
Jeff LaRe
Brian Lampton
Beth Lear
Crystal Lett
Brian Lorenz
Gayle Manning
Adam Mathews
Ty D. Mathews
Riordan T. McClain
Lauren McNally
Joseph A. Miller, III
Kevin D. Miller
Melanie Miller
Ismail Mohamed
Diane Mullins
Johnathan Newman
Mike Odioso
Scott Oelslager
Bob Peterson
Justin Pizzulli
Phil Plummer
Tristan Rader
Sharon A. Ray
Tracy M. Richardson
Kevin Ritter
Monica Robb Blasdel
Bill Roemer
Elgin Rogers, Jr.
C. Allison Russo
Jodi Salvo
Nick Santucci
Jean Schmidt
Mark Sigrist
Veronica R. Sims
Brian Stewart
Bride Rose Sweeney
Eric Synenberg
Michelle Teska
Cecil Thomas
Daniel P. Troy
Andrea White
Erika White
Josh Williams
Heidi Workman
Tom Young