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Derrick Hall Legislation

Cosponsored Bills
Bill Title Current Version
H. B. No. 4 Designate Ohio Stillbirth Prevention Day As Passed by the House
H. B. No. 13 Designate Roy Rogers Day As Passed by the House
H. B. No. 14 Incorporate Internal Revenue Code changes into Ohio law As Enrolled
H. B. No. 15 Amend competitive retail electric service law As Passed by the House
H. B. No. 24 Provide Medigap policies for certain Medicare-eligible persons As Introduced
H. B. No. 25 Establish the Foster-to-College Scholarship Program As Introduced
H. B. No. 27 Designate Specialist Jacob A. Ashton Memorial Bridge As Passed by the House
H. B. No. 29 Regards inmates' access to feminine hygiene products and showers As Introduced
H. B. No. 32 Designate Celebrating Disabilities Month As Introduced
H. B. No. 34 Increase the state minimum wage As Introduced
H. B. No. 43 Waive minimum instructional hours for specified high school As Reported by the Senate Education Committee
H. B. No. 54 Make appropriations for transportation for FY 2026-27 biennium As Enrolled
H. B. No. 55 Revise fees for the administration of a probate estate As Passed by the House
H. B. No. 103 Increase the homestead exemption amount and income limit As Introduced
H. B. No. 136 Prohibit sexual orientation or gender identity discrimination As Introduced
H. B. No. 140 Authorize the refundable thriving families tax credit As Introduced
H. B. No. 158 Enact the Consumer Utility Billing Transparency Act As Introduced
H. B. No. 191 Require school district, ESC teachers be paid at least $50,000 As Introduced
H. B. No. 197 Specify day of the presidential primary election As Introduced
Primary Sponsored Resolutions
Resolution Title Current Version
H. R. No. 38 In memory of Ross Allen Boggs, Jr. As Adopted by the House
Cosponsored Resolutions
Resolution Title Current Version
S. C. R. No. 4 Adopt the Legislative Code of Ethics As Enrolled
H. C. R. No. 6 Support work of the Ohio Commission for U.S. Semiquincentennial As Introduced
H. C. R. No. 7 Support American Legion Buckeye Boys State, Buckeye Girls State As Introduced