House Bill 103 - 136th General Assembly
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Legislation General Information
Increase the homestead exemption amount and income limit
Long Title +To amend sections 323.152 and 4503.065 of the Revised Code to increase the homestead exemption amount and income limit.
Current Version
As Introduced
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Housing and Real Property TaxationCommittees
House Ways and Means CommitteeLegislation Documents
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As Introduced (PDF)Primary Sponsors
Rachel B. Baker
Sean P. Brennan
Juanita O. Brent
Darnell T. Brewer
Christine Cockley
Sedrick Denson
Tex Fischer
Michele Grim
Derrick Hall
Dontavius L. Jarrells
Marilyn John
Crystal Lett
Lauren McNally
Kevin D. Miller
Beryl Piccolantonio
Tristan Rader
C. Allison Russo
Mark Sigrist
Veronica R. Sims
Bride Rose Sweeney
Eric Synenberg
David Thomas
Terrence Upchurch
Erika White