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COLUMBUS—The Ohio House today passed House Bill 438, sponsored by State Representatives Steve Hambley (R-Brunswick) and Darrell Kick (R-Loudonville), which improves policies governing Ohio’s educational service centers (ESC) in order to better serve local school districts.

COLUMBUS—State Representative Jonathan Dever (R-Madeira) today announced the passage of legislation he sponsored alongside Rep. Brigid Kelly (D-Cincinnati). House Bill 347 memorializes fallen Cincinnati Police Department Officer Sonny Kim by naming a portion of the north and southbound lanes of Interstate 71 as the Sonny L. Kim Memorial Highway.

COLUMBUS—State Representatives Anne Gonzales (R-Westerville) and Jeffery Rezabek (R-Clayton) today applauded the passage of legislation that strengthens the law to ensure that courts and child placement services are not discriminating against blind parents when determining the placement of a child.

COLUMBUS—State Representative Nathan Manning (R-North Ridgeville) today applauded the Ohio House’s concurrence on legislation he jointly sponsored that provides intimate partner violence victims with further protections under Ohio law. The legislation will now go to Governor Kasich for final approval, the last step before becoming law.
Senate President Larry Obhof (R-Medina) and Speaker of the House Clifford A. Rosenberger (R-Clarksville) today introduced the state's Capital Budget, a $2.62 billion investment in Ohio's infrastructure and local community projects.

COLUMBUS—House Bill 1 took another step toward becoming law today as the Ohio Senate gave unanimous approval of the legislation. Under bipartisan sponsorship from State Representatives Nathan Manning (R-North Ridgeville) and Emilia Sykes (D-Akron), House Bill 1 provides intimate partner violence victims with further protections under Ohio law.

COLUMBUS—During a press conference at the Ohio Statehouse, State Representative Bill Reineke (R-Tiffin) unveiled legislation aimed at better aligning Ohio’s public education system with the state’s workforce needs, as well as making the state more accountable for achieving results.

COLUMBUS—During today’s Ohio House session, State Representative Rick Carfagna (R-Genoa Township) honored Congressman Pat Tiberi for his service to the State of Ohio with a resolution on behalf of the Ohio House of Representatives. Tiberi resigned after 24 years of service to Ohio and represented Ohio’s 12th Congressional District. He was first elected to Congress in 2000 and served as the chairman of the Joint Economic Committee.

COLUMBUS—The Ohio House today passed House Bill 370, sponsored by State Representative Rick Perales (R-Beavercreek). This legislation adds a depiction of Wilbur and Orville Wright’s first piloted airplane, the Wright Flyer, to the Great Seal of the State of Ohio and to Ohio’s Coat of Arms. In doing so, it commemorates one of the greatest achievements by Ohioans: successful controlled flight.

COLUMBUS—State Representatives Steve Hambley (R-Brunswick) and Martin J. Sweeney (D-Cleveland) today announced the introduction of the Ohio Proud Craft Beer Act. House Bill 509 has 25 cosponsors and would grant “Ohio Proud Craft Beer” certifications to craft beer and cider that are brewed using Ohio-grown ingredients. Further, the bill would allow craft brewers to sell 1-ounce tastings and a limited amount of finished product for off-site consumption.