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Tom Young Legislation

Primary Sponsored Bills
Bill Title Current Version
H. B. No. 6 Enact Advance Ohio Higher Education Act As Introduced
Cosponsored Bills
Bill Title Current Version
H. B. No. 1 Enact Ohio Property Protection Act As Introduced
H. B. No. 4 Designate Ohio Stillbirth Prevention Day As Passed by the House
H. B. No. 12 Enact the Jeff, Dave, and Angie Patient Right to Try Act As Introduced
H. B. No. 23 Create the escaped convict alert program As Introduced
H. B. No. 25 Establish the Foster-to-College Scholarship Program As Introduced
H. B. No. 36 Add nitrogen hypoxia as a method of execution As Introduced
H. B. No. 41 Establish certain child care grant programs As Introduced
H. B. No. 84 Enact the Innocence Act As Introduced
H. B. No. 114 Regards age requirements for kindergarten admission As Introduced
Cosponsored Resolutions
Resolution Title Current Version
S. J. R. No. 5 As Enrolled