House Bill 150 - 136th General Assembly
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Legislation General Information
Enact the Clock Out Kids Act
Long Title +To amend sections 4109.08, 4109.13, and 4109.99 of the Revised Code to enact the Clock Out Kids Act to require school employees to report certain minor labor law violations, to increase penalties for certain minor labor law violations, and to create the Minor Labor Law Enforcement Fund; and to make an appropriation.
Current Version
As Introduced
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Crimes, Corrections, and Law Enforcement: Crime and Punishment Education: Primary and Secondary Education EmploymentLegislation Documents
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As Introduced (PDF)Primary Sponsors
Munira Abdullahi
Rachel B. Baker
Sean P. Brennan
Juanita O. Brent
Darnell T. Brewer
Karen Brownlee
Christine Cockley
Michele Grim
Dani Isaacsohn
Dontavius L. Jarrells
Crystal Lett
Joseph A. Miller, III
Ismail Mohamed
Beryl Piccolantonio
Tristan Rader
Phillip M. Robinson, Jr.
C. Allison Russo
Veronica R. Sims
Anita Somani
Eric Synenberg
Daniel P. Troy
Terrence Upchurch