House Bill 512 - 135th General Assembly
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Legislation General Information
Regards child emergency placement facilities, treatment solutions
Long Title +To enact sections 121.377 and 5101.91 of the Revised Code to create a streamlined licensure process for emergency placement facilities for children and to require the Ohio Family and Children First Cabinet Council to work with stakeholders to develop treatment and placement solutions for children with developmental or intellectual challenges and high acuity behaviors.
Current Version
As Reported by the House Families and Aging Committee
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Health and Human Services: Mental Health and Disabilities Juvenile and Family Law Juvenile and Family Law: Child WelfareCommittees
House Families and Aging CommitteeLegislation Documents
Legislation Text
As Reported By House Committee (PDF)Analysis
As Reported By House Committee (PDF)Fiscal Notes
As Reported By House Committee (PDF)Additional Documents Notes
Sub Bill Comparative Synopsis (PDF)Primary Sponsors
Sara P. Carruthers
Richard Dell'Aquila
Monica Robb Blasdel
Jean Schmidt
Andrea White