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Dani Isaacsohn Legislation

Cosponsored Bills
Bill Title Current Version
H. B. No. 4 Designate Ohio Stillbirth Prevention Day As Passed by the House
H. B. No. 14 Incorporate Internal Revenue Code changes into Ohio law As Enrolled
H. B. No. 25 Establish the Foster-to-College Scholarship Program As Introduced
H. B. No. 31 Require electronic recordings of all parole board hearings As Introduced
H. B. No. 34 Increase the state minimum wage As Introduced
H. B. No. 46 Enact the Extreme Risk Protection Order Act As Introduced
H. B. No. 57 Regards school policies on administering overdose reversal drugs As Introduced
H. B. No. 93 Restore Clean Ohio Fund and Clean Ohio Council As Introduced