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Chris Glassburn Legislation

Primary Sponsored Bills
Bill Title Current Version
H. B. No. 154 Require school district approval-certain property tax exemptions As Introduced
Cosponsored Bills
Bill Title Current Version
H. B. No. 4 Designate Ohio Stillbirth Prevention Day As Passed by the House
H. B. No. 14 Incorporate Internal Revenue Code changes into Ohio law As Enrolled
H. B. No. 54 Make appropriations for transportation for FY 2026-27 biennium As Passed by the House
H. B. No. 64 Revise age for discounted hunting, fishing licenses and permits As Passed by the House
H. B. No. 97 Require public schools to provide meals and related services As Introduced
H. B. No. 136 Prohibit sexual orientation or gender identity discrimination As Introduced
H. B. No. 156 Authorize a property tax freeze for certain owner-occupied homes As Introduced
Cosponsored Resolutions
Resolution Title Current Version
S. C. R. No. 4 Adopt the Legislative Code of Ethics As Enrolled