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House Bill 327 - 134th General Assembly

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House Committees

Committee Date Status Bill Text
State and Local Government June 15, 2021 1st Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Sarah Fowler Arthur Ohio House of Representatives Proponent Download
Diane Grendell Ohio House of Representatives Proponent Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
State and Local Government June 23, 2021 2nd Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Anne Robins Rocky River Citizens for Transparency Proponent Download
Daniel Regenold Proponent Download
Dan Salcido Proponent Download
Deb Giehl Proponent Download
Diane Stover Protect Ohio Children Coalition Proponent Download
Jacob Cain Proponent Download
John Stover Ohio Value Voters Proponent Download
Jonathan Broadbent Proponent Download
Juliet Tissot Proponent Download
Karen Cain Proponent Download
Lisa Woods Proponent Download
Pamela Clegg Proponent Download
Patrick Burke Proponent Download
Rachel Citak Esq. Proponent Download
Raymond Gaier Proponent Download
Thomas Burke Proponent Download
Barry Sheets Center for Christian Virtue Proponent Download
Carolyn Behr-Jerome Proponent Download
Cathy Pultz Proponent Download
Christopher Meredith Proponent Download
Chris Long Ohio Christian Alliance` Proponent Download
Kara Molfetta Proponent Download
Kathy Johnson Proclaiming Justice to the Nations Proponent Download
Kirsten Hill Proponent Download
Michael Goldstein Esq Proclaiming Justice to the Nations Proponent Download
Christine Colliver Proponent Download
Colleen Schitter Proponent Download
Jenny Kilgore PhD MU Educational Leadership Proponent Download
Robert Patrick Proponent Download
Kerry Robinson Proponent Download
Paul Wyton Proponent Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
State and Local Government September 22, 2021 3rd Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Abigail Miller Opponent Download
Christian Pearson Opponent Download
Eddie Koen Urban League of Greater Southwestern Ohio Opponent Download
Elizabeth Amoriya Athens Parents for Racial Equity Opponent Download
Fan Jiang Opponent Download
Gary Daniels ACLU Opponent Download
Janie Halaiko Opponent Download
John Stover Ohio Value Voters Proponent Download
Margaret Flinn Opponent Download
Mike Halaiko Opponent Download
Nolan McHugh Opponent Download
Richard Fletcher Opponent Download
Sarah Kaka Ohio Council for the Social Studies (OCSS) Opponent Download
Sarah Stitzlein Opponent Download
Scott DiMauro Ohio Education Association Opponent Download
Tim Johnson Ohio Poverty Law Center Opponent Download
Alyssa Rasmussen Opponent Download
Anagha Velamakanni Opponent Download
Ann Moneypenny Opponent Download
Barbara Cicalese Opponent Download
Carol Canavan Opponent Download
Cheryl Wakelin Proponent Download
Colette Dollarhide Opponent Download
Cynthia Tancer Opponent Download
Debra Spangler Opponent Download
Emma Vierheller Opponent Download
Gregory Soper Opponent Download
Harvey Graff Opponent Download
Jeffrey Sloat Opponent Download
Jenniifer Wakelin Proponent Download
Jennifer Weinbrecht Opponent Download
John Wakelin Jr. Proponent Download
Judith Hofmann Opponent Download
Karen Rego Cleveland Heights Teachers Union Opponent Download
Karis Tzeng MidTown Cleveland, Inc. Opponent Download
Kathleen Hazelton Opponent Download
Kathleen Knight Abowlitz Opponent Download
Kenneth Stone Opponent Download
Laura Stone Opponent Download
Lisa Regula Opponent Download
Mario Clopton-Zymler Opponent Download
Meg Bennett Honesty for Ohio Education Opponent Download
Michael Rieser Proponent Download
Nancy Fingerhood Opponent Download
Renee Heberle Opponent Download
Richard Doringo Opponent Download
Robert Peralta Opponent Download
Shannon Hanf Opponent Download
Sharon Kim Opponent Download
Steven Volk Opponent Download
Susan Gilfert Opponent Download
Akii Butler Ohio Student Association Opponent Download
Alec Avdakov Opponent Download
Alexander Chiarelott Bowling Green State University Opponent Download
Angela Hall Andrew Jackson Davidson Club MS Chapter Opponent Download
Antionette Miranda Opponent Download
Art Lewandowski Opponent Download
Ashtok Gupta Opponent Download
Brandi Baker Athens Parents for Racial Equity Opponent Download
Carol Beckerle Opponent Download
Chris Stepp Opponent Download
Christina Rivera Opponent Download
Danielle Orozco Opponent Download
Dan Greenberg Sylvania Education Association Opponent Download
Derek Burtch Erase the Space Opponent Download
Desire Tims President and Ceo Opponent Download
Dinorah Sanchez Loza Opponent Download
Donald Perryman United Pastors for Social Empowerment Opponent Download
Donna Long YWCA Opponent Download
Duane Moore Opponent Download
Elijah Fenwick-Sanders Opponent Download
Elizabeth O'Brochta Opponent Download
Elizabeth Kirby Cleveland Heights University Heights school District Opponent Download
Emily Houh Opponent Download
Greg Ganor Opponent Download
Jasmine Coaston Urban League of Greater Southwestern Ohio Opponent Download
Jeff Dillon Americans for Prosperity Opponent Download
Karen Laird Opponent Download
Kelly Dukes Urban League of Greater Southwestern Ohio Opponent Download
Krista Allison Opponent Download
Lalitha Pamidigantam YWCA Columbus Opponent Download
Lily Steiger Opponent Download
Lydia Robertson Opponent Download
Malia Lewis Board of Education of the Cleveland Heights-University Heights City Schools Opponent Download
Maria Lonno Opponent Download
Matthew Hollstein Opponent Download
Megan Taylor Opponent Download
Melissa Crum Opponent Download
Nancy Patterson Opponent Download
Nora Cahill Opponent Download
Owen Ganor Opponent Download
Pamela O'Loughlin Opponent Download
Rachel Scott Opponent Download
Syndie Smith Opponent Download
Terence Williams Opponent Download
Hilary Sloat Opponent Download
Holly Paden Opponent Download
Hrishue Mahalaha Opponent Download
Jamille Jones Opponent Download
Janet Parks Opponent Download
Jan Reesger Opponent Download
Jared Cutler Opponent Download
Jasmine Coaston Urban League of Greater Southwestern Ohio Opponent Download
Jason Boergerhoff Opponent Download
Jean Herendeen Ackerman Opponent Download
Jeanne Melvin Public Education Partners Opponent Download
Jeff Blumenthal Opponent Download
Jennifer Bennett Opponent Download
Jennifer Forshey Opponent Download
Jennifer Willging Opponent Download
Jessica Donovan Opponent Download
Jessica Leveto Opponent Download
Jill Galvan Opponent Download
Jim Copland Proponent Download
Joan Spoerl Opponent Download
John Beard Proponent Download
Julia Phillips Opponent Download
Karen Leith Opponent Download
Katrina Heinzen Opponent Download
Kelly New Vine Opponent Download
Kenji Sakaie Opponent Download
Laura Herrold Johnson Opponent Download
Laura Luehrmann Ohio Faculty Council Opponent Download
Laura Purnell Opponent Download
Linda Fenner Citizen Advocates for Public Education Opponent Download
Lindie Keaton Opponent Download
Lisa Lazarus Opponent Download
Marjorie Shew Opponent Download
Melinda Dang Opponent Download
Michael Grifka Opponent Download
Michele Berry Opponent Download
Michele Coldiron Proponent Download
Nash Monroe Opponent Download
Pranav Jani Opponent Download
Renee Murphy Advocates for Basic Legal Equality, Inc. Opponent Download
Ruth Spanos Opponent Download
Soshanah Inwood Opponent Download
Stacey Nofziger Opponent Download
Susan Kaeser Opponent Download
Susan Urmetz Opponent Download
Tia Gaynor Opponent Download
Tricia Steiner Opponent Download
Valerie Lee Opponent Download
Trenten Hunt Proponent Download
Maria Bruno Equality Ohio Opponent Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
State and Local Government October 27, 2021 4th Hearing Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
State and Local Government February 16, 2022 5th Hearing Download