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"Goddard's Law" Passes Ohio House, Adding Further Protections for Companion Animals

The Ohio House of Representatives today passed bipartisan legislation that greatly stiffens penalties for abusing companion animals. The bill is nicknamed “Goddard’s Law” after long-time Cleveland weatherman Dick Goddard, who for several years has passionately advocated strengthening penalties for animal abuse.

Ohio House Passes Bill to Establish Uniform Insurance Requirements for Transportation Service Companies

The Ohio House of Representatives has passed House Bill 237, which establishes uniform insurance requirements for Ohio’s transportation network companies (TNCs) and self-employed drivers.


State Representative Anne Gonzales (R-Westerville) applauded today’s passage of Senate Bill 110, sponsored by Senator Dave Burke (R-Maryville). SB 110 seeks to permit advanced practice registered nurses with prescriptive authority to delegate the administration of certain medications for patients to qualified individuals, and changes the laws governing the practice of physician assistants to allow them to practice to the full extent of their training by removing statutory barriers to practice and updating provisions.


The Ohio House of Representatives has passed House Bill 9, which would improve the way state tax expenditures are tracked and monitored.

Ohio House Passes Legislation to Improve Child-Resistant Protections on Liquid Nicotine

The Ohio House of Representatives today passed House Bill 168, sponsored by State Representative Steve Huffman (R-Tipp City). HB 168 seeks to prohibit the retail sale of any liquid nicotine container to be used with an electronic cigarette unless the container satisfies certain child-resistant standards, and establishes a civil penalty of up to $1,000 for each violation.

State Representative Jim Buchy Honors Shelby County Sheriff John Lenhart on Ohio House Floor

During today’s Ohio House session, State Representative Jim Buchy (R-Greenville) recognized Shelby County Sheriff John Lenhart for being named the National Sheriff of the Year.

Ohio House Honors 2015 Ohio Children's Miracle Network Hospitals Champion

State Representative Jeff Rezabek (R-Clayton) presented a resolution on Wednesday honoring Ethan Conley for being named as the 2015 Ohio Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals Champion.

House Votes to Send State Budget to Conference Committee

Today, following the passage of Am. Sub. House Bill 64 through the Senate, the Ohio House voted to reject Senate amendments and to send the state operating budget to conference committee. Speaker Clifford A. Rosenberger (R-Clarksville) released a statement.

Bill would boost local businesses, increase competition
June 17, 2015
Ohio House Passes Legislation to Exempt Metal Bullion and Collectable Coins from Sales and Use Tax

The Ohio House of Representatives today passed House Bill 26, sponsored by State Representatives Christina Hagan (R-Alliance) and Ron Maag (R-Lebanon). HB 26 seeks to exempt from sales and use taxes the sale or use of investment metal bullion and collectable coins.

Legislation eliminates cap on training hours
June 17, 2015
Ohio House Passes Legislation to Improve Training Requirements for Peace Officers

The Ohio House of Representatives today passed legislation that addresses training requirements for peace officers in Ohio. Stemming from the Attorney General’s Advisory Group on Law Enforcement Training report, the bill works to improve the training process for law enforcement individuals.