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COLUMBUS – The Ohio House of Representatives today passed House Bill 110, the House’s version of Ohio’s two-year budget plan. State Representative Ron Ferguson (R-Wintersville) voted in support of the bill.
COLUMBUS – The Ohio House of Representative today passed House Bill 110, the House’s version of Ohio’s two-year budget plan. State Representative Mark Johnson (R-Chillicothe) voted in support of the bill.
COLUMBUS – The Ohio House of Representative today passed House Bill 110, the House’s version of Ohio’s two-year budget plan. State Representative Don Jones (R-Freeport) voted in support of the bill.
COLUMBUS – The Ohio House of Representative today passed Substitute House Bill 110, the House’s version of Ohio’s two-year budget plan. State Representative Brian Lampton (R-Beavercreek) voted in support of the bill.
COLUMBUS – State Representative Jeff LaRe (R-Violet Township) today voted in support of House Bill 110, the House’s version of Ohio’s two-year budget plan
COLUMBUS – The Ohio House of Representative today passed Substitute House Bill 110, the House’s version of Ohio’s two-year budget plan. State Representative Jean Schmidt (R-Loveland) voted in support of the bill.
COLUMBUS – The Ohio House of Representative today passed House Bill 110, the House’s version of Ohio’s two-year budget plan. State Representative Jason Stephens (R-Kitts Hill) voted in support of the bill.
COLUMBUS – The Ohio House of Representative today passed Substitute House Bill 110, the House’s version of Ohio’s two-year budget plan. State Representative Shane Wilkin (R-Hillsboro) voted in support of the bill.
COLUMBUS – Ohio House Speaker Bob Cupp (R-Lima) last week appointed State Representative Adam Holmes (R-Nashport) to the House Technology & Innovation Committee.
COLUMBUS – Ohio House Speaker Bob Cupp (R-Lima) recently appointed State Rep. Jennifer Gross (R-West Chester) as a member of the House Economic and Workforce Development Committee.