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Jamie Callender Legislation

Primary Sponsored Bills
Bill Title Current Version
H. B. No. 24 Provide Medigap policies for certain Medicare-eligible persons As Introduced
H. B. No. 27 Designate Specialist Jacob A. Ashton Memorial Bridge As Passed by the House
H. B. No. 181 Provide counsel to destitute defendants facing eviction As Introduced
Cosponsored Bills
Bill Title Current Version
H. B. No. 13 Designate Roy Rogers Day As Passed by the House
H. B. No. 43 Waive minimum instructional hours for specified high school As Reported by the Senate Education Committee
H. B. No. 54 Make appropriations for transportation for FY 2026-27 biennium As Enrolled
H. B. No. 55 Revise fees for the administration of a probate estate As Passed by the House
H. B. No. 64 Revise age for discounted hunting, fishing licenses and permits As Passed by the House
H. B. No. 72 Prohibit public funding for lethal injection drugs; death penalty As Introduced
Primary Sponsored Resolutions
Resolution Title Current Version
H. R. No. 38 In memory of Ross Allen Boggs, Jr. As Adopted by the House
Cosponsored Resolutions
Resolution Title Current Version
S. J. R. No. 5 As Enrolled