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Bride Rose Sweeney News

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COLUMBUS - State Rep. Bride Rose Sweeney (D-Westlake) today announced that the Controlling Board has approved $1.2M under the Department of Children & Youth to further combat infant mortality. The funds will be used in partnership with the non-profit organization Cribs for Kids to provide new parents with educational resources on the importance of and how to practice safe sleep with their infant. Cribs for Kids will also provide safe sleep products to parents to allow them to put their baby to sleep safely and assist with practice safe sleep. 

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Mon, Jul 8, 2024

COLUMBUS - State Rep. Bride Rose Sweeney (D-Westlake) today announced the passage of House Bill (HB) 2, the state's biennial state capital budget, in both the Ohio House of Representatives & Senate. 

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Wed, Jun 26, 2024

COLUMBUS – State Rep. Bride Rose Sweeney (D-Westlake) today announced the passage of House Bill (HB) 7, legislation that expands access to prenatal, postnatal, infant, and toddler services and support. This bill provides crucial investments of over $34 million into Ohio’s children and families, ensuring improved health outcomes during childhood.

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Wed, Jun 12, 2024

COLUMBUS – State Rep. Bride Rose Sweeney (D-Westlake) today announced that the Controlling Board has approved funding for a new, evidence-based home visit pilot program designed to provide in-home support to new moms and families in the postpartum period. The initiative is part of a suite of new programs aimed at reducing infant and maternal mortality rates and improving early childhood outcomes across Ohio.

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Mon, Jun 3, 2024

COLUMBUS – State Rep. Bride Rose Sweeney (D-Westlake) today announced the Controlling Board’s approval of funding for local county boards of election to purchase electronic poll books, fully realizing the original legislative intent of House Bill (HB) 673, Rep. Sweeney’s bipartisan legislation to aid local boards of election in the acquisition of new, updated electronic poll books.

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Mon, May 20, 2024

COLUMBUS – State Reps. Bride Rose Sweeney (D-Westlake) and Andrea White (R-Kettering) today announced the passage of House Bill (HB) 338, legislation that would allow child support orders to be issued or modified for a child with disabilities after that child has turned 18. 

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Fri, May 10, 2024

COLUMBUS – State Reps. Bride Sweeney (D-Westlake) and Thomas Hall (R- Madison Twp.) today have jointly introduced legislation for the re-establishment of the Clean Ohio Council and permanent, long-term, sustainable funding for Brownfield Remediation beginning in 2025 and beyond. 

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Tue, May 7, 2024

COLUMBUS – State Rep. Bride Rose Sweeney (D-Westlake) today responded to Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose’s plans for another statewide voter purge clouded in darkness that will happen two weeks before voting in the upcoming presidential election. 

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Fri, May 3, 2024

COLUMBUS – State Reps. Bride Rose Sweeney (D-Westlake) and Sara Carruthers (R-Hamilton) today introduced legislation to prevent the cruel and unnecessary use of animal testing in the cosmetics industry. House Bill (HB) 495 would ban the sale of cosmetic products in Ohio that have been newly tested on animals.

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Mon, Apr 22, 2024

COLUMBUS – State Reps. Bride Rose Sweeney (D-Westlake) and Jamie Callender (R-Concord) today provided sponsor testimony on House Bill (HB) 400 to the House Insurance Committee. HB 400 aims to extend Medigap coverage to patients in Ohio diagnosed with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). While ESRD and ALS patients are federally eligible to receive Medicare Coverage, Ohio does not allow them to purchase Medigap coverage.

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Wed, Apr 10, 2024