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House Bill 454 - 134th General Assembly

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House Committees

Committee Date Status Bill Text
Families, Aging, and Human Services February 17, 2022 1st Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Representative Gary Click Proponent Download
Erin Brewer Proponent Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
Families, Aging, and Human Services May 19, 2022 2nd Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Daniel Weiss Proponent Download
Maria Polaris Cardinal Support Network Proponent Download
Resource: Maria Polaris Proponent Download
Matt Sharp Alliance Defending Freedom Proponent Download
Andre Van Mol, MD American College of Pediatricians, Christian Medical & Dental Assoc's Proponent Download
Helena Kerschner Proponent Download
Jeannette Cooper International Partners for Ethical Care, Inc. NFP Proponent Download
Corinna Cohn Gender Care Consumer Advocacy Network (GCCAN) Proponent Download
Mahri Irvine, PhD Women's Liberation Front Proponent Download
Sunil V Bhat, MD Proponent Download
Joseph Kohm, III, Esq. Family Policy Alliance Proponent Download
Brian Hickey Catholic Conference of Ohio Proponent Download
Dr. Jeffrey Barrows Proponent Download
Anna Heran Proponent Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
Families, Aging, and Human Services May 26, 2022 3rd Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Cari Morris Proponent Download
Jane Williams Proponent Download
Information: Jane Williams Proponent Download
David Mahan Center for Christian Virtue Proponent Download
Information 1: David Mahan Proponent Download
Information 2: David Mahan Proponent Download
Ronli Brown Proponent Download
Andrea Smith Proponent Download
Michael Cooper Proponent Download
Lisa Breedlove Chaffee Ohio Parents Rights In Education Proponent Download
Chloe Cole Proponent Download
Kelly Wagner Proponent Download
Ursula Smith Proponent Download
Maria Polaris For Anonymous My Chart Mother Cardinal Support Network Proponent Download
Linda Harvey Mission America Proponent Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
Families, Aging, and Human Services June 1, 2022 4th Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Nick Lashutka Ohio Children's Hospital Association Opponent Download
Information 1: gender care fact sheet Opponent Download
Information 2: Yale Report Opponent Download
David Axelson, MD Nationwide Children's Hospital Opponent Download
Armand Antommaria Cincinnati Children's Hospital & Medical Center Opponent Download
Patricia Manning-Courtney Ohio Children's Hospital Association Opponent Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
Families, Aging, and Human Services November 16, 2022 5th Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Nick Lashutka Ohio Children's Hospital Association Opponent Download
Amy L. Schneider Opponent Download
Avery Anderson Opponent Download
Stevie Beck Opponent Download
Ashton Colby Opponent Download
Kathryn Poe Equality Ohio Opponent Download
Brendan Kelley Opponent Download
Mikael McLaren Opponent Download
Melissa McLaren Opponent Download
Aaron Demlow Opponent Download
Amy Demlow Opponent Download
Shannon Scott-Miller Opponent Download
Mallory Golski Kaleidoscope Youth Center Opponent Download
Dara Atkinson TransOhio Opponent Download
Lis Regula Opponent Download
Stephanie L. Ash National Association of Social Workers, Ohio Chapter Opponent Download
Rev. Jeremy Moyers Opponent Download
Kat Steiner Opponent Download
Cass Steiner Opponent Download
Gary Greenberg Opponent Download
Nick Zingarelli Opponent Download
Sean McCann ACLU of Ohio Opponent Download
Giles Roblyer Opponent Download
Laura Robertson-Boyd Opponent Download
Pat Gleydura Honesty For Ohio Education Opponent Download
Jeanne and Cam Ogden Opponent Download
Minna Zelch Opponent Download
Nicolas Shannon Savard, PhD Opponent Download
Lalitha Pamidigantam ywca columbus Opponent Download
Peggy Stager, MD, FAAP Ohio Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics Opponent Download
Ellena Privitera Medical Student Physician Action Network Opponent Download
Margaret Dahlstrom Opponent Download
Charles Nathaniel Taylor Opponent Download
Gene Dockery, MA, LPC (OH), NCC Ohio Counseling Association/SAIGEO Opponent Download
Dr. Rhea Debussy Equitas Health Opponent Download
Michaela Laubacher Opponent Download
Devonne Czerwinski Opponent Download
Tammy McInerney Opponent Download
Jessica Cicchinelli Living With Change Opponent Download
Conrad Yoder Opponent Download
Gwendolyn Short Opponent Download
Danielle Thrasher Opponent Download
Denise McClenathan (she/her) Opponent Download
Charlotte Winter Opponent Download
Jordan Bernas Opponent Download
Andrew F. Beck, MD MPH Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Opponent Download
Kyle Johnson OSU Outlaws Opponent Download
Anita Somani M.D. Physicians Action Network Opponent Download
Bradie Anderson Opponent Download
Adam Anderson Opponent Download
Anne Anderson Opponent Download
Melissa Wervey Arnold Supporting Doc Ohio Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics Opponent Download
Ann Becker Opponent Download
Denice C Kocher Opponent Download
Sara E. Williams, PhD Cincinnati Children's Hospital Opponent Download
Christina Ulrey Opponent Download
Susan Hyde Opponent Download
Marcee Myers Addington Opponent Download
Lawrence Dolan, MD Opponent Download
Jessica Kahn Opponent Download
Dana Zucker Opponent Download
Scott Schwartz, DDS, MPH Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Opponent Download
Julie A. Gatlin, LISW-S Opponent Download
Hannah Ware The National Association of Social Workers - Ohio Chapter (NASW-OH) Opponent Download
Miriam Raider-Roth Opponent Download
Eoghan Gallagher Opponent Download
Sarah B. Nagle Opponent Download
Georgianna Persons Opponent Download
Lindsey King Opponent Download
Robyn Gorman, MD, FAAP Opponent Download
John Seyerle, MD Opponent Download
Greg Hartmann Opponent Download
Elizabeth Ireson, MD Opponent Download
Sarah World MS,MSW, LISW-S Find Your Way Counseling & Consulting LLC Opponent Download
Caitlin Yilmazer Waybridge Counseling Opponent Download
Sarah D. Corathers, MD Opponent Download
Rob Hart Opponent Download
Jenny DeBruer Opponent Download
Trent Kotch Opponent Download
Megan Hodge Opponent Download
Rev. Andrew Burns Opponent Download
Rachel Snedecor Opponent Download
Nives Zimmermann Opponent Download
Owen Schwartz Opponent Download
Robin Elizabeth Norris, MD Cinciannati Children's Hospital Medical Center Opponent Download
Dr. Jonathan Allan Janiczek, MD Cincinnati Children's Hospital and Medical Center Opponent Download
Christopher Statile, MD Opponent Download
Maria Barnes-Davis Opponent Download
Chelsea Weyand, Psy. D.,ABPP Akron Children's Hospital Opponent Download
Laura Even Elliott Opponent Download
Jennifer deSante-Bertkau MD MBE Opponent Download
Ruth Alpers Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Opponent Download
Ana Catalina Arce-Clachar Opponent Download
Angela Statile, MD, MEd Opponent Download
Esteban Cheng-Ching Opponent Download
William Brinkman, MD, MEd, MSc Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Opponent Download
Ashley Cunningham Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Opponent Download
Deborah Elder MD Opponent Download
Cassandra Esposito, Ph.D. Cincinnati Chilren's Hospital Medical Center Opponent Download
Colby Smith Opponent Download
Susan Jelinek Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Opponent Download
Lauren Szulczewski Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Opponent Download
Corinne Lehmann, MD, MEd Opponent Download
Blaise V. Jones, M.D. Opponent Download
Michelle M. Ernst Opponent Download
Sarah Weller Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Opponent Download
Sarah Pickle Opponent Download
Aubrey Coates, Ph.D. Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Opponent Download
Kahla Gagne-Loparo Opponent Download
Jessica McClure Opponent Download
Leslie R. Applegate, MD Opponent Download
Eric S. Mullins, MD Cincinnati Chilren's Hospital Medical Center Opponent Download
Jennifer R. Frey, Ph.D. Opponent Download
Jae Kim Cincinnati Children's Opponent Download
Mona Mansour, M.D, M.S. Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Opponent Download
Rev. Judith W. McBride Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Opponent Download
Brian Varisco Opponent Download
Avani C. Modi, Ph.D. Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Opponent Download
Kristy L Anderson MSW, LISW-S Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Opponent Download
Adam A. Vukovic, MD, MEd Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Opponent Download
Allison Blackburn Opponent Download
Kristen Stefanski Opponent Download
Megan Vonada Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Opponent Download
Anna-Liisa Vockell Opponent Download
Erica Krapf, PhD, ABPP Opponent Download
Jilda Vargus-Adams Opponent Download
Karen Jerardi Beck Opponent Download
Dr. Kimberly Schubert Cincinnati Chidlren's Hospital Medical Center Opponent Download
Erik Su Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Opponent Download
Jennifer C Lewis Opponent Download
Jennifer McAllister Opponent Download
Jeffrey Tenney, MD, PhD Opponent Download
Dr. Patrick Timothy Ruck, DDS Opponent Download
Melissa Klein Opponent Download
Mary Greiner, MD, MS Opponent Download
Henry T. Akinbi, MD Opponent Download
Paul Spearman, MD Opponent Download
Dane C. Warner MD, MPH Cincinnati Children's Hospital Opponent Download
Raouf Amin Opponent Download
Kelsey Logan Opponent Download
Lori Aronson Opponent Download
Julie Gilman Opponent Download
Katrina Callaghan Opponent Download
Elliot Borgatti Opponent Download
Rachael Morocco Opponent Download
Alyssa Lambrecht Opponent Download
Dawn C. Dillinger, DO Opponent Download
Mehak Chawla Physician Action Network Opponent Download
Raymond Wen Physician Action Network Opponent Download
Tina Wang Physician Action Network Opponent Download
Jesse Pullen Opponent Download
Noel Reed Opponent Download
Varshita Chirumamilla Physician Action Network Opponent Download
Lindsay Morrison Opponent Download
JN Butler Opponent Download
Tamara Melnick Opponent Download
Lauryn Bertke Opponent Download
Bhageerathi Ganesan Medical Student - Physician Action Network Opponent Download
Anamika Shah Physician Action Network Opponent Download
Courtney Shihabuddin Opponent Download
Samantha Nandyal Opponent Download
Rebecca Fredin Opponent Download
Micah Mitchell ACLU of Ohio Opponent Download
Dr. Mark McLoney Ohio Academy of Family Physicians Opponent Download
Jill Galvan Opponent Download
Jessica Sherman Opponent Download
Kevyn J Breedon Camp Lilac, Margies' Hope (Margie's Kids) Opponent Download
Rachel Seelye Sage Hunt, MD Opponent Download
Joshua Hollman Opponent Download
Brandi Allen Opponent Download
Yumeng Zhang Opponent Download
Jyothika Yermal Opponent Download
Gabriel Lee Opponent Download
Robert Lewis Kimble Opponent Download
Stephanie Wentzel Medical Students Physican Action Network Opponent Download
Carmen Jung Opponent Download
Shannon Gallagher Opponent Download
Melissa Kelley Opponent Download
Michael Hayworth Opponent Download
Jessica Sciuva Opponent Download
Andrew Rust Opponent Download
Pragi Patel Medical Student Physician Action Network Opponent Download
Gerard Isenberg, MD Academy of Medicine of Cleveland & N. Ohio Opponent Download
Jacob Zimmerman Medical Student-Physician Action Network Opponent Download
Allison Ritting Opponent Download
Lynn Buffington Opponent Download
Beverly Trout Opponent Download
Gracyn Noffert Physican Action Network Opponent Download
Mary Charleton Opponent Download
Lisa Dorn Opponent Download
Esteban Trujillo Physician Action Network Opponent Download
Tamara B Hatcher Opponent Download
Peter Zweber Opponent Download
Hendrik Stegall Physician Action Network Opponent Download
Shivani Deshpande Physician Action Network Opponent Download
Monica Hueckel Ohio State Medical Association Opponent Download
Janet Shaw Ohio Psychiatric Physicians Association Opponent Download
Elizabeth Auckley Opponent Download
Melissa Wervey Arnold Ohio Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics Opponent Download
Vikas Munjal Opponent Download
Vanessa K. Jensen, PsyD, ABBP Cleveland Clinic Opponent Download
Mackenzie Owen Physician Action Network Opponent Download
Kyle Murray Opponent Download
Rev. Sarah Kientz First Community Church Opponent Download
Eli Vickery Opponent Download
Stuart Brown Opponent Download
Emma Barrett Opponent Download
Andrew Phillips Physicians Action Network Opponent Download
Hank Osmundson UU Justice Ohio & St. John's United Church of Christ Opponent Download
Nic Gill Opponent Download
Kate Gillooly Opponent Download
Mary Wachtel Public Children Services Association of Ohio (PCSAO) Opponent Download
Bailey Fullwiler Opponent Download
Connor Mahon Opponent Download
Joyce Shiffrin Opponent Download
Mark W Lehman Opponent Download
Bradley Demlow Opponent Download
Stephanie McElrath Opponent Download
Jules Hucke Opponent Download
Jennifer Gile Opponent Download
Shannon Spyker Opponent Download
Gray Pierron Opponent Download
Gregory Henneman Opponent Download
Kate Kolton Opponent Download
Sandra Marn Opponent Download
Jessica Stafford Opponent Download
David Iosue Opponent Download
Zoe Jane Halo Opponent Download
Sharon First Opponent Download
Amy Fisher Opponent Download
Cody Stacey Opponent Download
Robin Snyder Opponent Download
Cole Eppstein Opponent Download
Corie Miller Opponent Download
Algernon Lutwak Opponent Download
Olivia Bitecofer Opponent Download
Melanie Phillips Opponent Download
Kal Slate Opponent Download
Abigail Hust Opponent Download
Molly Florimonte Opponent Download
Emily Memory Opponent Download
Mathew Plauny Opponent Download
Ange James Opponent Download
Dr. Erin Dean, Ph. D., LPCC-S Opponent Download
Holly Hengartner Opponent Download
Ash Deering Opponent Download
Bennett McCausland Opponent Download
Roman Trimbach Opponent Download
Dylan Halper Opponent Download
Kathryn Moir Opponent Download
Paterson Gauntner Opponent Download
Anita Dacanay Opponent Download
Nicole LaSelle Opponent Download
Elizabeth Cox Opponent Download
Nick Chmura Opponent Download
Fei Triolo Opponent Download
Malia Schram Opponent Download
Kris Patton Opponent Download
Sheila Barone Opponent Download
Laura Perez Opponent Download
Prin E Turrisi Opponent Download
Adam Walko Opponent Download
Joni Christian Opponent Download
Giovanni Montavon Opponent Download
Adam Clevenger Opponent Download
August Seymour Opponent Download
Kelly Smith Opponent Download
Sol Howard Opponent Download
Michelle Hayford Opponent Download
Clark Ausloos Opponent Download
Lily Cunningham, M.Ed., LPCC- Opponent Download
Daren Lazor Opponent Download
Kinsey Kolega Opponent Download
Amy Apgar Opponent Download
Melissa Henderson Opponent Download
Amy Sveda Opponent Download
Julie Gill Opponent Download
Rachel McKee Opponent Download
Parker Parker Opponent Download
Cole Papadopoulos Opponent Download
Eileen Galvin Opponent Download
Elliott Simpson Opponent Download
Kelly Vyzral Children's Defense Fund-Ohio Opponent Download
Jeff Phair Opponent Download
Cathi Kulic Opponent Download
Eric Resnick Opponent Download
Robert S. Chaloupka Law Office of Robert S. Chaloupka Opponent Download