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Rep. Brewer Highlights Extremist Republicans' Failure to Address Gun Violence, Deadly Cost of Lack of Legislative Action

May 17, 2024
Darnell T. Brewer News

COLUMBUS - State Rep. Darnell Brewer (D-Cleveland) today highlights the failure of this General Assembly to address gun violence and the deadly cost of the lack of legislative action.

“From Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Columbus to neighborhoods across Ohio’s 88 counties, gun violence is a public health crisis that can be quickly addressed here in Ohio. It is an ethical failure, a policy disappointment, and entirely avoidable. With gun violence now the leading cause of death of children in America, our communities deserve meaningful, bold, and policy actions to save lives in Ohio.

The failure of the gerrymandered supermajority of the 135th General Assembly to take action to provide committee hearings and eventually pass a series of gun violence prevention measures is unacceptable. I will continue to use my voice to urge this body, and future General Assemblies to invest in mental health programs and trauma supportive services, education and recreational programs to keep kids engaged and off the streets and provide technical support for organizations that offer boots-on-the-ground intervention and healing resources necessary for communities traumatized by violence.

Every life in my district matters and every single life lost by gun violence matters. This body fails to demonstrate an obligation to show every issue of life in Ohio.  Silence is not an option,” said Rep. Brewer. 

Below is a list of fatalities and incidents that have occurred since the introduction of each bill reported by Gun Archives:

  • HB 186: 619 victims killed, 1,883 victims injured since introduction (As of May 13, 2024)
  • HB 175: 632 victims killed, 1,887 victims injured since introduction (As of May 16, 2024)
  • HB 218: 562 victims killed, 1,604 victims injured since introduction (As of May 16, 2024)
  • HB 420 & HB 421: 131 victims killed, 383 victims injured since introduction (As of May 13, 2024)

Since January 3rd, 2023, there have been a total of 899 victims killed and 2,496 victims injured.

Ohio House District 18 constituents can contact Rep. Brewer's office at or 614-466-1414. 

For more information about Rep. Brewer or House District 18, visit