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House Bill 197 - 135th General Assembly

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House Committees

Committee Date Status Bill Text
Public Utilities June 21, 2023 1st Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Jim Hoops Ohio House of Representatives Proponent Download
Sharon Ray Ohio House of Representatives Proponent Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
Public Utilities September 20, 2023 2nd Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Scott Elias Clean Capital Proponent Download
Matthew Hargarten Coalition for Community Solar Access Proponent Download
Tom Bullock Citizens Utility Board of Ohio Proponent Download
Alex Chapman Ridge Creek Global Proponent Download
Tristan Rader Solar United Neighbors Proponent Download
Todd Fryatt ECA Solar Proponent Download
Dan Cook Solarstone Limited Proponent Download
Jessica Collingsworth Nexamp Proponent Download
Lian Niu Eitri Foundry LLC Proponent Download
Tom Forman MTM Project Development Company LLC Proponent Download
Rebecca Mellino The Nature Conservancy Proponent Download
Sarah Spence Ohio Conservative Energy Forum Proponent Download
Azam Kazmi YellowLite Proponent Download
Erica McConnell Enviromental Law & Policy Center Proponent Download
Daniel Shirey IBEW Local Union 575 Proponent Download
Greg Bambenek IBEW Local 540 Proponent Download
Ron Berard IBEW Local 540 Proponent Download
Aaron Brown IBEW Proponent Download
Glen Giffin IBEW Local 141 Proponent Download
Ashley Labaki IBEW Local 1105 Proponent Download
Sarah Iammarino Proponent Download
Kurt Princic CEP Renewables LLC Proponent Download
Joseph Pero Pero Power Innovations, LLC Proponent Download
Greg Pace Proponent Download
Linda New Proponent Download
Randi Pokladnik Proponent Download
Michal Sittek Proponent Download
Joseph Winner Proponent Download
Lorraine Cathala Starlight Gardners, LLC Proponent Download
Craig Ickler Proponent Download
Nolan Rutchilling Ohio Enviromental Council Action Fund Proponent Download
Phil and Nicole House Proponent Download
Roger Sikes Solar United Neighbors Proponent Download
Nicholas Minekime Sunrise Mountain Partners LLC Proponent Download
Dr. Paul Scheiwiller Proponent Download
William Heck Cenergy Proponent Download
Glann Campbell Proponent Download
James Ketchaver Proponent Download
Adrian Marti Proponent Download
Allen Funk Blue Planet Proponent Download
Ariel Miller Proponent Download
Stephen Bagstad Proponent Download
Bill Heck AFI Solar Proponent Download
Zebulon Wallace BNRG Renewables Proponent Download
Tyler Duvelius Community Solar Freedom Coalition Proponent Download
Dean Greene Proponent Download
Donna Jones Melink Solar Development Proponent Download
Geoff Miller Proponent Download
Jane Harf Green Energy Ohio Proponent Download
Granger Souder Solscient Energy Proponent Download
Terry Donelon Greater Cleveland Partnership Proponent Download
Michael Haught IBEW Local 972 Proponent Download
Jeff Nofzinger Haas Door Company Proponent Download
Jonathan Welle Proponent Download
Kevin Adler AFI Solar Capital Solutions Proponent Download
Martha Grevatt Proponent Download
Janette McDonald Capital University Proponent Download
Dion Mensah Black Environmental Leaders Action Fund Proponent Download
Kevin Gunn NextEra Energy Resources Proponent Download
Rachael Belz Ohio Citizen Action Proponent Download
Patrick Ziemnik Proponent Download
Scott Satterlee IBEW Local 64 Proponent Download
Ericka Copeland Sierra Club Ohio Proponent Download
Kyle Blocher Solar Stone Partners Proponent Download
Joe Rosenberg Turning Point Energy Proponent Download
Ronald Ross Proponent Download
Timothy Dewald Proponent Download
Will Cuneo Proponent Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
Public Utilities December 13, 2023 3rd Hearing Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
Public Utilities January 24, 2024 4th Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Maureen Willis Ohio Consumer's Counsel Opponent Download
Jon Williams AEP Ohio Opponent Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
Public Utilities April 24, 2024 5th Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Carlo Cavallaro Coalition for Community Solar Access Proponent Download
Karl Rabago Rabago Energy Proponent Download
Scott Elias Clean Capital Proponent Download
John Henri Dimension Renewable Energy Proponent Download
Tristan Rader Solar United Neighbors Proponent Download
Tom Bullock Citizens Utility Board of Ohio Proponent Download
Molly Bryden Policy Matters Ohio Proponent Download
Cathy Cowan Becker Ohio Sustainable Business Council Proponent Download
Janette McDonald Proponent Download
Aaron Brown IBEW Proponent Download
Greg Bambenek IBEW Proponent Download
Nolan Rutschilling Ohio Enviromental Council Action Fund Proponent Download
William Kuehnle Catholic Conference of Ohio Proponent Download
Robert Kelter Enviromental Law and Policy Center Proponent Download
Brianna Fiorillo Lightstar Renewables, LLC Proponent Download
Alex Fay Proponent Download
Ayat Amin Proponent Download
Justin Biltz Cypress Creek Renewables Proponent Download
Colleen Boyd Proponent Download
Eric Yarham Proponent Download
Terry Donelon Greater Cleveland Partnership Proponent Download
James Bergman Proponent Download
P. Kennard Wright Faith Communities Go Green & Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio Proponent Download
Sid Shah Nautilus Solar Energy, LLC Proponent Download
Nolan Rutschilling Ohio Enviromental Council Action Fund Proponent Download
Pearl Chen Proponent Download
Ronald Ross Proponent Download
Sakinah Bryant Proponent Download
Steve Mondak Proponent Download
Jonathan Welle Cleveland Owns Proponent Download
Glenn Campbell Proponent Download
Allison Grant Proponent Download
Howard Bergman Proponent Download
Brian Dicken Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce Proponent Download
Craig Ickler Cleveland Owns Proponent Download
Eda Daniel Proponent Download
Marnie Urson Audubon Great Lakes Proponent Download
Hannah Bent ENGIE Proponent Download
Juanita Stevens Proponent Download
Mryia Williams Solar United Neighbors Proponent Download
Jessica Collingsworth Nexamp Proponent Download
Paul Scheiwiller Proponent Download
Kelsey Repitone Chambers for Innovation and Clean Energy Proponent Download
Rachel Cannon Proponent Download
Tracy Sabetta Momms Clean Air Force in Ohio Proponent Download
Sherri Green Proponent Download
Stephanie Thomas Proponent Download
Tim DeWald Proponent Download
Will Cuneo Proponent Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
Public Utilities May 8, 2024 6th Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Steve Nourse American Electric Power Opponent Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
Public Utilities May 22, 2024 7th Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
John Serak The Ohio Manufacturers' Association Interested Party Download
Chuck Keiper Northeast Ohio Public Energy Council Proponent Download
Christian Kock Ceres Proponent Download
Chris Ventura Consumer Energy Alliance Opponent Download
Doug Kellogg Americans for Tax Reform Opponent Download
Philip Moeller Edison Electric Institute Opponent Download