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House Bill 294 - 134th General Assembly

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House Committees

Committee Date Status Bill Text
Government Oversight May 20, 2021 1st Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Representative Seitz and Ray Ohio House of Representatives Proponent Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
Government Oversight June 17, 2021 2nd Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Secretary Frank LaRose Office of the Ohio Secretary of State Proponent Download
Robert S. Frost Proponent Download
Medina County Commissioners Medina County Commissioners Proponent Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
Government Oversight November 17, 2022 3rd Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Chris Tavenor Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund Opponent Download
Jen Miller League of Women Voters of Ohio Opponent Download
Kayla Griffin All Voting is Local Action Opponent Download
Emily Cole Ohio Families Unite for Political Action and Change Opponent Download
Andrea R Yagoda Opponent Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
Government Oversight December 1, 2022 4th Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Terry Burton Ohio Association of Election Officials Interested Party Download
Collin Marozzi ACLU Ohio Opponent Download
Mia Lewis Common Cause Ohio Opponent Download
Cecilia Aguilera Fair Elections Center Opponent Download
Amina Barhumi CAIR Ohio Opponent Download
Maria Bruno Equality Ohio Opponent Download
Andrea R Yagoda Opponent Download
Kerstin Sjoberg Disability Rights Ohio Interested Party Download
Chris Tavenor Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund Interested Party Download
Joan VanBecelaere Opponent Download
David Guran Opponent Download
Tony D'Ambrosio Opponent Download
James Moyer Interested Party Download
Joe Mallory Cincinnati Branch NAACP Opponent Download
Jeff Dieringer SEIU District 1199 WC/KY/OH Opponent Download
Michael W Ahern Opponent Download
Trevor Martin Opponent Download
Molly Shack Ohio Organizing Collaborative Opponent Download
Jean Henderson Opponent Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
Government Oversight December 7, 2022 5th Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Joan VanBecelaere Opponent Download
Mike Halaiko Opponent Download
Mia Lewis Common Cause Ohio Opponent Download
Andrea R Yagoda Opponent Download
Greer Aeschbury All Voting is Local Action Opponent Download
Victoria Hickcox CAIR-Ohio Opponent Download
Chris Tavenor Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund Opponent Download
David Guran Opponent Download
Cole Wojdacz Pro-Choice Ohio Opponent Download
Maria Bruno Equality Ohio Opponent Download
Katie Johnson, Tom Perkins, Jennifer Hogue Ohio Association of School Business Officials (OASBO), Buckeye Association of School Administrators (BASA), Ohio School Boards Association (OSBA) Interested Party Download
Justin Kirschner AJC Interested Party Download
Corrlee Drozda The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland Opponent Download
Collin Marozzi ACLU of Ohio Opponent Download
Tony D'Ambrosio Opponent Download
Michael Parkinson Opponent Download
Don Bryant Greater Cleveland Immigrant Support Network Opponent Download
Allison Reynolds-Berry Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center Opponent Download
Janyce Katz Opponent Download
Ariel Miller Opponent Download
Michael Stinziano Franklin County Opponent Download
Andrew Green Opponent Download
Scott DiMauro The Ohio Education Association Opponent Download
Deanna Wyche Opponent Download
Karen Leith Opponent Download
Nicole Taylor Cincinnati Branch NAACP Opponent Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
Government Oversight December 12, 2022 6th Hearing Download