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Rep. Brennan Provides Sponsor Testimony on Bipartisan Legislation Promoting Pledge of Allegiance

March 14, 2025
Sean P. Brennan News

COLUMBUS — State Reps. Sean Patrick Brennan (Parma) and Tracy Richardson (R-Marysville) Tuesday provided sponsor testimony in the Ohio House Education Committee on House Bill (HB) 117. If enacted, the bipartisan legislation would require public schools to adopt a policy establishing a time and manner for the daily recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and make the policy publicly available.

“As a veteran American Government and History teacher, I have always firmly held to the fact that our public schools were, in part, created to instill our young learners with a sense of loyalty to our country. I encourage every adult in Ohio to set the expectation and model for our young people the importance of reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, respect for the American flag, standing when veterans march by in a parade, and other actions that further this goal,” said Rep. Brennan. “I am honored to join my republican colleague Rep. Richardson on this important legislation.”

This legislation would: 

  • Require public schools to adopt a policy regarding the time and manner for daily recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and to make the policy publicly available;
  • Encourage schools and teachers to develop and implement lessons related to the American Flag and Pledge of Allegiance to inspire learning around our nation’s history; and
  • Uphold students’ constitutional rights should their families object to the reciting of the Pledge.  

HB 117 now awaits further hearings in the House Education Committee. 

EDITOR’S NOTE: A picture of Rep. Brennan providing sponsor testimony is attached to this press release. Courtesy: Ohio House Democrats.

Tuesday’s House Education Committee hearing can be viewed here.