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Monica Robb Blasdel News

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As we reflect on the one-year anniversary of the East Palestine train derailment, I wanted to take the opportunity to share some updates as the community continues to heal and move forward. In the time since the accident, it has been encouraging to see so much progress being made in the Village and surrounding areas, knowing there is still a lot of work left to do.

Throughout this ordeal, it has been heartening to witness the outpouring of support from individuals across the state and beyond. Allies have rallied around the community, extending helping hands to ensure our local businesses continue to operate smoothly; guaranteeing that children could continue participating in sports and maintaining a semblance of normalcy; and providing assistance with essential services. The solidarity shown has been refreshing.

At the Statehouse earlier this year, we worked through the State Transportation Budget to implement new rail safety standards aimed at safeguarding the passage of cargo through Ohio. While these represent significant steps that we can take here in our great state, progress at the federal level has unfortunately been stalled. We will continue to encourage our federal partners to pass the Railway Safety Act of 2023.

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COLUMBUS- House Bill 469, legislation to create the Ohio River Commission as introduced by State Rep. Monica Robb Blasdel (R-Columbiana) and Joint-Sponsor State Rep. Don Jones (R-Freeport) had its first hearing today in the Economic and Workforce Development Committee. 

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COLUMBUS, OH—State Rep. Monica Robb Blasdel (R-Columbiana) announced today that $335,000 in funding has been awarded through the Ohio BUILDS (Broadband, Utilities, and Infrastructure for Local Development Success) Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Grant Program for the Atwood Regional Water and Sewer District in Carroll County.

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Mon, Jun 3, 2024

COLUMBUS—The Ohio House of Representatives today passed House Bill 1, legislation to close a loophole in current law and ban foreign funding in state ballot issue campaigns, announced State Rep. Monica Robb Blasdel (R-Columbiana).  

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Thu, May 30, 2024

COLUMBUS, OH—State Rep. Monica Robb Blasdel (R-Columbiana County) announced today that $100,000 in funding has been awarded through the H2Ohio program to preserve and protect the water quality of Little Beaver Creek in St. Clair Township.

"The H2Ohio program has been a tremendous resource for our region," said Robb Blasdel.  “Ensuring that the water quality around us is protected and creating opportunities for residents to enjoy the outdoors is not just a win-win, but another example of investing in the future of Columbiana County."  

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Mon, May 20, 2024

COLUMBUS, OH – State Rep. Monica Robb Blasdel (R-Columbiana) hosted a ‘Coffee with Constituents’ event in Carrollton on Friday.


“Being able to sit down with members of the community and hear their thoughts firsthand is invaluable.,” Robb Blasdel said. “Being able to have discussions about important issues is how we are able to get real results.” 

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Mon, May 6, 2024

COLUMBUS, OH—State Rep. Monica Robb Blasdel (R-Columbiana County) announced today that the Brown Local School district will receive $2,627,950 in funding for a new 3,000-square-foot community wellness center. The funding comes from the new Appalachian Children's Health Initiative, part of the Appalachian Community Grant Program. The State Controlling Board approved the funding during its meeting on Monday.


"The new wellness center will be a tremendous resource for the students and families in the Brown Local School District," said Robb Blasdel. "By providing greater access to physical and mental healthcare, we are putting students in the best position to succeed in the classroom and preparing them for a bright future."

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Tue, Mar 26, 2024

COLUMBUS—State Rep. Monica Robb Blasdel (R-Columbiana County) announced today that the East Palestine and Crestview School Districts will receive $488,196 in funding for a new school-based health clinic, telehealth services, and a mobile unit that will provide in-person healthcare for multiple districts. The funding comes from the new Appalachian Children's Health Initiative, part of the Appalachian Community Grant Program. The State Controlling Board approved the funding during its meeting on Monday.


"These resources will go a long way to help students not only in Columbiana County but the region as a whole," said Robb Blasdel. "Building a new center in East Palestine will only strengthen the community, and the students of Crestview will be better served with access to the services they need to help them grow and fully reach their potential."

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Tue, Mar 26, 2024

President Biden finally made good on his promise to visit East Palestine last week, over a year since the derailment. I have been meeting with residents and businesses of East Palestine, and since the President did not meet with many of those involved in ongoing discussions about the recovery efforts, I sent him a letter that spelled out my recommendations on how best to help East Palestine, based on their feedback.

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Mon, Feb 19, 2024

COLUMBUS, OH – State Rep. Monica Robb Blasdel (R-Columbiana) hosted a Mayor’s Roundtable Meeting in Lisbon on Monday. The meeting was attended by nearly 20 local mayors, city managers, and guests from the 79th House District to discuss local projects and subjects facing the area.  The special guest for the meeting was Columbiana County Port Authority CEO Penny Traina. Columbiana County Commissioner Tim Weigle was also in attendance to give an update on the state of the county. 

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Tue, Feb 13, 2024