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John, Ohio House Create Legislative Oversight and Transparency with Veto Override

The legislation restores government checks and balances with final passage of Senate Bill 22
March 24, 2021
Marilyn John News

State Rep. Marilyn John (R-Richland County) voted to override the governor’s veto on Senate Bill 22, which establishes legislative oversight and transparency over orders issued during a state of emergency. Both chambers approved the veto override and the bill will become law.

“Our state government is supposed to be three co-equal branches implemented through checks and balances on one another,” said John. “After over a year of mandated health orders and shutdowns, it's time that you the people, my constituency, have more of a say on the orders being enacted - Senate Bill 22 will change that and I am proud to have supported it. I want to ensure that your voice is represented, and Senate Bill 22 helps me as a legislator make that a reality.”

Provisions in the bill give the Legislature the ability to oversee orders issued by any department under the administration in response to public health emergencies. Orders may be extended or rescinded by the General Assembly through a concurrent resolution.

The bill also ensures that local communities may determine the course of local health orders. As a result, the bill provides parameters for local boards of health in which they must operate when issuing county and district wide orders.

Both the Ohio House and Senate approved Senate Bill 22 on March 10, 2021. After the governor’s veto earlier this week, the two chambers acted to override the veto.

The legislation will become effective in 90 days