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John, Ohio House Approve Historic Capital Budget Bill

June 28, 2024
Marilyn John News

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COLUMBUS—The Ohio House of Representatives Wednesday passed Substitute House Bill 2, the state’s two-year construction budget for capital projects throughout the state. The Capital Budget will make historic invests in local community projects, announced State Rep. Marilyn John (R-Richland County). 

John secured the following capital investments that will positively impact Richland County and the surrounding communities:

  • $500,000 to support the Mansfield Theater “Road to 100” renovation, preserving a piece of local history;
  • $425,000 to improve the Lexington Depot Park, enhancing visitor experience;
  • $350,000 to renovate the Shelby Health and Wellness facility, prioritizing quality care;
  • $350,000 to modernize the Richland Academy of Arts, preserving a historic downtown building and uplifting the art industry;
  • $250,000 to construct the Wayfinders Ohio Emergency Homeless Shelter, providing resources and shelter for men, women, and children;
  • $217,235 to revitalize the Richland County Shelter, creating a safe haven for survivors of domestic violence;
  • $200,000 to support the Millsboro Road Trail project, increasing opportunities for downtown economic development;
  • $100,000 to expand the Mansfield Domestic Violence Shelter and create the Child Advocacy Center, providing a safe haven for individuals in emergency situations and care for child abuse victims; and
  • $75,000 to update the Mansfield Art Center, increasing accessibility for visitors and uplifting the Art Industry.  

“These projects will enhance all that Richland County has to offer and continue to make the 76th House District the best place to work, live, and raise a family,” said John.  

In addition to these local investments, this legislation also includes statewide capital investments of:

  • $600 million for the School Building Program Assistance Fund;
  • $400 million for the Public Works Commission Local Public Infrastructure and State Capital Improvement Program; and
  • $397.6 million for higher education projects around the state.

Substitute House Bill 2 awaits a signature from the Governor.