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Elgin Rogers, Jr. Photos

Member Photo Slideshow

Rep. Rogers and Lieutenant Governor Tressel
Meeting with constituents for a meal
Enjoying the holiday season with some constituents
Meeting with Diane and Terry Shankland
Rep. Rogers appreciating Lake Erie and its importance to Ohio
Rep. Rogers and Sen. Sims, Jr. (IL)
Rep. Rogers with constituents
Rep. Rogers in the community speaking out against gun violence
Rep. Rogers and Rep. Williams
Rep. Rogers enjoys a moment during a committee hearing
Fighting for constituents in committee
Rep. Rogers, Rep. Ghanbari, and the late Denise Neise of the Wood County Committee on Aging
Johnny Hutton, Doris Roberts, & Rep. Rogers
Rep. Rogers speaking in Committee
Rep. Rogers providing testimony
Rep. Rogers with his Bulldog constituents
Rep. Rogers with constituents who provided testimony on HB 302
Rep. Rogers during Agriculture Day
Rep. Rogers with Ohio Farmers at Agriculture Day, Columbus, Ohio
Rep. Rogers and Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur honoring National Guard troops deploying to Europe
Rep. Rogers files fair parking legislation with Rep. Lorenz
Woodward High School Students performing their Annual African American History play
Rep. Roger with the German-American Delegation at the United States Embassy in Germany
Mr. Ed Dixon
Rep. Rogers speaks to nurses at the statehouse
Rallying support for HB 285, Safe Patient Care Act
Visiting the Northwood Community Center
Rep. Rogers and the Murnens
Rep. Rogers, Meg Adams, Rep. Brennan, & Rep. Hillyer
Sitting down with the Community
Rep. Rogers selected Co-Chairman of the Ohio Trucking Association Truck Caucus
African American Festival Parade
Rep. Rogers, Sen. Gavarone, & Clerk of Courts Bernie Quilter
Rep. Rogers, Comedian Michael Colyar, & Dr. Labiche at Jones Leadership Academy - Honoring Chess Champions
Rep. Rogers and Cousin Anita
Ohio Nursing Association Annual Meeting
Hearing from Constituents
Hearing Concerns on Education
Celebrating with the Community
Meeting with Community Leaders and Constituents
Governor DeWine signs Rep. Rogers' & Rep. Swearingen's HB 368 into law, honoring Veterans of Ottawa County, Ohio
Governor Dewine signs Rep Rogers' & Rep Williams' HB 234 into law. Criminal Justice Reform Bill. December 19th 2024.
Rep. Rogers poses with Governor DeWine and First Lady
Rep. Rogers at the Code Red Demonstrations
Rep. Rogers Visiting the US Embassy during the Smart Grid trip to Germany
Rep. Rogers with the Smart Grid Delegation in Germany
Rep. Rogers introducing the Fair Parking Act with Rep. Lorenz
Rep. Rogers at Call to Duty Ceremony for the 1483rd Transportation Company of the Army National Guard (Walbridge)
Rep. Rogers speaking at Call to Duty Ceremony for the 1483rd Transportation Company of the Army National Guard (Walbridge)
Rep. Rogers at Ohio Farm Bureau Agriculture Day
Rep. Rogers at Ohio Farm Bureau Agriculture Day
Reps. Rogers and Brent with Jesup W. Scott Community Members
Rep. Rogers at Youth Men's Day Second Baptist Church
Rep. Rogers speaking with local firefighters
Rep. Rogers speaking with Ohio Laborers Union
Rep. Rogers supporting Lance Woodworth
Rep. Rogers speaking with Rep. Jarrells and Rep. Blackshear on the House Floor
Rep. Rogers speaking at protest
Rep. Rogers in Committee
Rep. Rogers giving Sponsored Testimony with Rep. Williams
Rep. Rogers speaks on the House floor
Rep. Rogers speaking on the House floor
Rep. Rogers and Doug Kaufman at the Wood County Senior Center
Rep. Rogers joined a group from the Toledo Museum of Art at the Governor's Awards for the Arts
Rep. Rogers presents a commendation to Ashley Cutcher, the Boys and Girls Clubs of Toledo's 2023 Youth of the Year award winner
Rep. Rogers and former Governor Dick Celeste
Rep. Rogers and Senator Paula Hicks-Hudson
Rep. Rogers and Gov DeWine in Toledo
Rep. Elgin Rogers, Jr. of Ohio House District 42 Sworn Into 136th General Assembly
Rep. Rogers and Colonel Gary Easterly
Rep. Rogers Speaks at Voter Forum
Rep. Rogers speaks at a press-conference regarding the Workforce and Safe Patient Care Act
Reps. Rogers and Jarrells before session
Rep. Rogers applauds during session

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