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State Reps. Jarrells, Robb-Blasdel Lead Line Removal Bill Passes Senate, Heads to Governor DeWine's Desk

June 26, 2024
Dontavius L. Jarrells News

COLUMBUS - State Reps. Dontavius L. Jarrells (D-Columbus) and Monica Robb-Blasdel (R-Columbiana) today saw their House Bill (HB) 226 unanimously passed out of the Senate and sent over to the governor to be signed into law. 

"I am grateful for my colleague Rep. Robb-Blasdel and all the legislators who voted in favor of passing this legislation. This marks an important first step towards ensuring that all Ohioans receive the safe, clean drinking water that many of us take for granted.” said Rep. Jarrells

Currently, Ohio faces a significant public health challenge with an estimated 650K lead service lines still in operation, the second-highest number in the nation. These antiquated lines exist both on utility company and homeowner properties, but the financial onus of replacing these lines falls heavily on homeowners. This often leads to inaction due to the prohibitive costs, leaving residents with no choice but to use potentially harmful water. 

“The passage of this bill could not come at a better time,” said Rep. Jarrells. “Families all over Ohio still face an unfortunate reality where the water in their homes may not be safe to consume. Now is our chance to start addressing this reality and work towards an Ohio that we all deserve.”

This legislation will empower public water utilities, regulated by PUCO, with the means to replace customer-owned water service lines in conjunction with their scheduled utility main replacement projects. Additionally, it proposes a reimbursement mechanism for customers who independently undertake lead service line replacements, and it addresses a critical public health issue while balancing the financial implications for homeowners.