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Federal government shutdown affecting families in Central Ohio

Lawmaker says she's committed to connecting constituents with resources they need during unprecedented federal government shutdown
January 18, 2019
C. Allison Russo News

State Rep. Allison Russo (D-Upper Arlington) today announced that she is committed to helping alleviate the strain this unprecedented federal government shutdown is putting on families in her district.

“This irresponsible shutdown is putting undue pressure on our state and local agencies, which have been forced to compensate for this White House’s dereliction of duty,” said Russo. “Thousands of federal workers and contractors here in Ohio have already missed one paycheck and cannot afford to miss another. I urge the Trump Administration and Congress to reopen the government immediately and stop playing political chess with people’s livelihoods.”

Thousands of federal workers and contractors are reportedly furloughed in Ohio as the shutdown moves into its 28 day today. Recent reports show nearly 700 federal workers in Ohio have filed for unemployment compensation due to the federal government shutdown. Government retirement programs have received thousands of requests for hardship withdrawals, with furloughed workers being forced to borrow from their future savings just to pay the bills. These numbers are expected to rise as families face increasingly dire financial situations.

Additionally, SNAP and HUD benefits for thousands of Ohio seniors and families are also in jeopardy. If the federal government does not open soon, state and local officials will need to make tough decisions to ensure Ohio’s children, families, and economy are protected from bearing the brunt of Washington’s dysfunction.

Rep. Russo is ready and willing to work with the DeWine administration to find solutions that give hard-working Ohio families and businesses the certainty and security they deserve during this federal shutdown. Any constituent impacted by the shutdown should not hesitate to contact her office at or (614) 466-8012, and staff will work to connect them with resources available to furloughed workers.