Bipartisan Passage of $11.5B Transportation Budget Creates New Jobs, Infrastructure Projects, and Economic Possibilities for Ohioans
COLUMBUS – The Ohio House Democratic Caucus today helped pass the bipartisan Ohio Transportation Budget (House Bill 54) through the Ohio House of Representatives. The budget’s appropriation of $11.5B is a significant investment into the future of Ohio jobs, connecting the workforce to the worksite, and the bill will improve roads, bridges, and transit systems across Ohio.
“The Ohio Transportation Budget will have a lasting impact on countless people because it creates employment opportunities and helps Ohioans get to their jobs and businesses,” said Minority Leader Allison Russo (D-Upper Arlington). “This budget will improve our critical infrastructure with billions of dollars in investments, it will make it easier for workers to get to new and existing worksites where they can earn better paychecks, it keeps workers safe on the jobsite, and it will drive economic development to our major cities as well as rural areas that deserve more investment.”
“This Transportation Budget makes smart, strategic investments that will help strengthen Ohio’s infrastructure, create good-paying jobs, and better connect our workforce to job opportunities. By funding key bipartisan priorities, we’re ensuring more Ohioans can get to work, school, and essential services while also supporting job creation and economic growth. A well-connected Ohio is a more prosperous Ohio, and I’m proud to support this investment in Ohio’s future,” said Rep. Bride Rose Sweeney (D-Westlake), ranking member on the House Finance Committee.
“The technology of tomorrow is being built right now here in Ohio. The funding appropriated to the Ohio Workforce Mobility Partnership meets the challenges workers face in getting to those jobs as well as other jobs outside of their communities. This is a win for hard working people who deserve a chance at better paying jobs,” said Rep. Michele Grim (D-Toledo), who sits on the House Finance Committee and is the ranking member on the House Transportation Committee. “Improving how Ohioans connect to other parts of our state is key to our economic future. That’s why adoption in the Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Compact is so important. For decades, Ohio has been left behind when it comes to the potential for regional expansion, planning, and funding for interstate passenger railways. Now, Ohio has a seat at the table.”
Some provisions fought for by House Democrats and included in House Bill (HB) 54:
- Provides $8B in statewide highway construction and maintenance projects over the Biennium;
- Makes progress toward meeting the state’s significant public transportation needs by appropriating nearly $200M for public transit, including $30M to continue the Ohio Workforce Mobility Partnership Program;
- Authorizes the continued distribution of gas tax revenue to cities, counties, and townships across Ohio to support local road maintenance;
Appropriates $18M for Transportation Improvement Districts to invest in local infrastructure across the state; - Protects construction workers on the highway by establishing the Road Safety Pilot Program to assess speed compliance in construction zones, but prohibits using traffic law photo devices for any purpose, including a citation, summons, or ticket;
- Adopts the Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Compact, which creates the Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Commission and earmarks $25K in each fiscal year to pay for the costs associated with joining the compact;
- Continues funding commitments to the Brent Spence Bridge;
HB 54 passed the House by a 97-0 vote. It now heads to the Ohio Senate for consideration.