Republicans Prioritize Censorship, Discrimination Over Freedoms, Economic Growth with SB 1's Passage
COLUMBUS – State Rep. Anita Somani (D-Dublin) today responded to the House passage of Senate Bill (SB) 1, the Higher Education Destruction Act:
“Senate Bill 1 will destroy higher education in Ohio. Our economy will suffer as students and young people are driven out of the state. We already are having trouble keeping young people here; we don’t need to keep passing ridiculous bills that do nothing to solve the real issues facing Ohioans. I cannot emphasize enough the damage that this bill will cause. How did it become acceptable to attack critical thinking and diversity? When you attack critical thinking, you limit a society’s ability to grow and innovate. Every sector of our workforce will be affected by this bill because Ohio students will no longer be given the opportunity to critically think and learn about viewpoints different from their own.
We saw thousands of protestors, heard hundreds of testimonies, and took countless phone calls from constituents begging us to reject this bill. The fact that the majority party still chose to vote yes on this is an unconscionable rejection of the will of the people,” said Rep. Somani.
In trying to solve problems that do not exist, SB 1 creates new issues that will increase costs, stifle growth, and prevent Ohio’s young adults from reaching their full potential.