Rep. Somani Says Real State of the State is Ohioans Deserve Better
COLUMBUS – State Rep. Anita Somani (D-Dublin) today responded to Governor DeWine’s State of the State address:
“Ohioans deserve to live in a state where everyone can succeed. That means fully and fairly funding public schools rather than handing out vouchers to private or unregulated charter schools. It means making it easier to access high-quality, evidence-based healthcare-not slashing critical Medicaid funding that one third of Ohioans consider a lifeline. It means working together to pass legislation that is in the best interest of every Ohioan, not wasting our time on bad bills that destroy our state’s higher education institutions or roll back rights that Ohioans clearly voted for,” said Rep. Somani.
“The people of Ohio deserve a state government whose top priority is improving their lives, not wasting taxpayer dollars by waging endless culture wars. It is devastating that the gerrymandered majority is willing to destroy Ohio’s economy and future with bills like Senate Bill 1. As we move forward in this General Assembly, I remain committed to being part of the opposition that is bringing transparency and true opportunity for Ohioans.”
House Democrats are committed to making sure people deserve better: better pay, better healthcare, fairer taxes, safer communities, real opportunities, and a future where no one is held back.
The full House and Senate Democratic response can be viewed here.