Adam C. Bird Photos
Member Photo Slideshow
Rep. Bird speaks to a bill on the House floor
Reps. Bird, Gross, and Schmidt present a resolution to Deputy Bobby Hau Pham on the House Floor for receiving the Medal of Valor.
Rep. Bird gives testimony in front of the House State and Local Government Committee.
Rep. Bird attends an event to support pro-life.
Reps. Bird and Lear answer questions about House Bill 183.
Rep. Bird and House members gather for a friendly day of competition at the Ohio State Fair.
Reps. Bird and Schmidt provide testimony on House Bill 101 during committee.
Rep. Bird speaks on the House floor.
Chairman Bird during Primary and Secondary Education Committee
Rep. Bird explains the Ohio Homeowners Relief Act during a press conference.
Representatives Bird and Hall introduce legislation to bring relief to Ohio property owners.
Rep. Bird speaks on the House floor during session.
Rep. Bird speaks on the House floor during session.
Rep. Bird speaks on the House floor during session.
Rep. Bird speaks to House Bill 170 on the House floor.
Rep. Bird speaks on the House floor in support of House Bill 67.
Rep. Bird introducing himself as a member on the House Health Committee
Rep. Bird gets sworn into the 134th General Assembly.