House Bill 221 - 134th General Assembly
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Legislation General Information
Enact Better Access, Better Care Act regarding nursing
Long Title +To amend sections 1751.67, 2133.211, 3313.539, 3707.511, 3727.06, 3923.233, 3923.301, 3923.63, 3923.64, 4723.01, 4723.02, 4723.06, 4723.07, 4723.24, 4723.28, 4723.41, 4723.42, 4723.43, 4723.431, 4723.44, 4723.46, 4723.481, 4723.482, 4723.483, 4723.493, 4723.50, 4731.27, 4761.17, and 5164.07; to enact section 4723.437; and to repeal sections 4723.45 and 5164.73 of the Revised Code to modify the laws governing the practice of advanced practice registered nurses and to designate these provisions as the Better Access, Better Care Act.
Current Version
As Introduced
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