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Public Safety Committee Bills

Committee Bills
Bill Title
H. B. No. 1 Enact Ohio Property Protection Act
H. R. No. 11
H. R. No. 13 To recognize the sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus over the entirety of the island, and to memorialize the 50th anniversary of the Turkish invasion and occupation of the northern part of the island
H. R. No. 14
H. B. No. 20 Prohibit harassing or impeding an emergency service responder
H. B. No. 23 Create the escaped convict alert program
H. B. No. 26 Enact Protecting Ohio Communities Act
H. B. No. 44 Regards law enforcement training and competitive examinations
H. B. No. 45 Prohibit certain firearm transfers without a background check
H. B. No. 46 Enact the Extreme Risk Protection Order Act