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Ohio Legislative Black Caucus Calls for Governor DeWine to Veto SB 1

March 26, 2025
Terrence Upchurch News

COLUMBUS-  Today, The Ohio Legislative Black Caucus (OLBC) President State Rep. Terrence Upchurch (D-Cleveland) and fellow members of the OLBC held a press conference urging Governor DeWine to veto Senate Bill (SB) 1, the Higher Education Destruction Act. The caucus voiced concerns about the harmful impact the legislation will have on Ohio’s future, students, and workforce. 

Senate Bill 1 threatens opportunities for our students, undermines workforce development and harms Black and minority communities. The Ohio Legislative Black Caucus stands united in opposition to this bill and our urgent message to Governor DeWine is to veto Senate Bill 1, protect Ohio’s students, protect our workforce, and protect our future!” said Rep. Upchurch

In trying to solve problems that do not exist, SB 1 creates new issues that will increase costs, stifle growth, and prevent Ohio’s young adults from reaching their full potential.

SB 1 passed a concurrence vote in the Ohio Senate and is on its way to the governor’s desk. 

EDITOR’S NOTE: A picture of OLBC President Rep. Upchurch speaking at today’s press conference is attached to this release. Courtesy: Ohio House Democrats.