Legislative Leaders Call for a More Responsible and Transparent Approach to Browns Stadium Legislation
COLUMBUS — State Reps. Dani Isaacsohn (D-Cincinnati), Dontavius Jarrells (D-Columbus), and Terrence Upchurch (D-Cleveland) today united in calling for a pause on a proposed stadium financing plan that could cost Ohio taxpayers more than $1B over the next three decades. A letter to Finance Committee Chair Brian Stewart (R-Ashville) and Arts, Athletics, and Tourism Committee Chair Melanie Miller (R-Ashland) demanded greater transparency, additional hearings, and public accountability before any deal moves forward.
“The proposed financing structure relies almost entirely on state taxpayer dollars,” said Rep. Upchurch. “Elected officials have a responsibility to the people we represent – not to developers, not to sports owners, but to working families.”
“Our job as legislators is to be responsible and transparent stewards of public money,” Rep. Isaacsohn said. “We must shift our financial focus to the desperate need to fund our schools, healthcare facilities, and to provide property tax relief to everyday people.”
“Ohio families work hard to make ends meet and deserve to know their tax dollars are used wisely. A billion-dollar stadium deal, negotiated without public input, must not come at the expense of schools, housing, and healthcare,” said Rep. Jarrells. “Before moving forward, we must ask tough questions and ensure every investment serves the people, not just the privileged few.”
The letter highlights serious unanswered questions about revenue projections, the lack of guarantees from private developers, and the impact of relocating existing economic activity from one region to another. It also calls out the absence of legislative transparency and brings attention to the harms of rushing expensive, taxpayer-funded projects without proper public input. No formal bill language or amendment has been made available to members of the General Assembly to move through the traditional legislative process.