Guest Column: A Legislative Update by Representative Scott Oelslager - Oct. 7, 2020
The House was successful in passing several pieces of legislation recently including measures to make important changes to Ohio’s foster caregiver training, correct technical errors in the insurance code, and revise alcoholic ice cream laws.
My colleagues in the Ohio House and I work hard to improve the lives of the Ohioans we represent, and I appreciate the opportunity to update you on these and other issues before us in the Legislature.
Foster Caregiver Training: The House concurred on amendments to House Bill 8, which makes changes to foster caregiver training in the state of Ohio. Among the provisions included, House Bill 8 allows for up to 20 percent of preplacement training to be provided online, which is especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Insurance Correction Act: House Bill 339 enacts the Insurance Code Correction Act, which corrects various technical errors throughout Ohio’s insurance laws. Additionally, the bill extends the legal limit for backdating a life insurance policy from three to six months. This brings Ohio in line with all neighboring states.
Revising Alcoholic Ice Cream Laws: House Bill 160 makes changes to Ohio’s law to allow an alcoholic ice cream manufacturer to ship ice cream to a personal consumer via a permitted shipper and to sell the ice cream to retail liquor permit holders for resale to personal customers. Additionally, it revises the number of outdoor refreshment areas that may be created in a municipal corporation, and increases the bottle limits for micro-distilleries from two to four bottles that a micro distillery may sell to a customer in one day.
In everything I do, whether it is in Columbus or back in my home district of Stark County, I will continue to make your priorities my priorities. With that goal in mind, I welcome your feedback and opinions at any time. Please do not hesitate to contact me by calling (614) 752-2438, emailing, or by writing me at 77 South High St., Columbus, Ohio 43215.