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Guest Column: A Legislative Update by Representative Scott Oelslager

June 1, 2021
Scott Oelslager News

The House was successful in passing several pieces of legislation recently including requiring timely pay for contractors, adoption of certain virtual board meetings, prohibiting PFAS chemicals and expanding educational opportunities for military children.

My colleagues in the Ohio House and I work diligently to help the lives of  Ohioans and I appreciate the opportunity to update you on these and other issues before us in the Legislature.

Timely Pay for Contractors: The bill closes a loophole within the law and requires private sector owners of commercial construction projects to provide payment to the prime contractors no more than 30 days after the prime contractors provide invoices to owners. As it stands, there is no provision in law on a length of time owners must pay their prime contractor on private projects.

Virtual Board Meetings: The bipartisan legislation allows boards of trustees of higher education institutions to virtually attend board meetings. Specific provision requirements were included if the institution decides to adopt an electronic communication policy, which includes:

  • A trustee must attend no less than 50 percent of regular meetings in person each year.
  • One third of the trustees must be present in person at the meeting location. 
  • All votes must be taken by roll call at the meeting.
  • A trustee who is virtually attending the meeting must notify the chairperson of that intent at least 48 hours before the meeting, except in the case of a declared emergency.
  • A trustee who is virtually attending the meeting is considered to be present at the meeting, is counted for purposes of establishing a quorum, and may vote at the meeting.

Prohibiting PFAS Chemicals: Another bipartisan bill that ends the use of PFAS in firefighter training. PFAS is a combination of harmful chemical compounds that helps in extinguishing fires. However, in recent years after multiple reports and studies, PFAS have been linked to be harmful to a person’s health.

Expanding Educational Opportunities for Military Children: The legislation allows local education agencies to permit children of military families to participate in both virtual school enrollments and advanced enrollments in preparation to move to a new military installation with permanent duty station order in hand. Additionally, a military family moving within Ohio on active duty may apply for enrollment for their child in a school district in the same manner and time as students already residing in the school district. 

This changes current law requiring military families to wait until they are physically located in district boundaries before they can register for and start courses.

In everything I do, whether it is in Columbus or back in my home district of Stark County, I will continue to make your priorities my priorities. With that goal in mind, I welcome your feedback and opinions at any time. Please do not hesitate to contact me by calling (614) 752-2438, emailing, or by writing me at 77 South High St., Columbus, Ohio 43215.