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Phillip M. Robinson, Jr. News

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COLUMBUS—State Rep. Phil Robinson (D-Solon) today announced Gov. Mike DeWine’s signing of House Bill (HB) 4, his bipartisan bill with state Rep. Tracy Richardson (R-Marysville) to help streamline the process of developing industry-recognized credential and certificate programs. This is both Rep. Robinson’s first bill as a legislator, and his first to become law.

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Tue, Jan 14, 2020

State Rep. Phil Robinson (D-Solon), who serves as Ranking Member on the House Primary and Secondary Education Committee,issued a statement today concerning the immediate need to fix the state’s EdChoice voucher program:

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Thu, Dec 19, 2019

State Rep. Phil Robinson (D-Solon), who serves as Ranking Member on the Committee of Primary and Secondary Education,issued a statement today concerning the immediate need to fix the state’s EdChoice voucher program.

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Tue, Dec 17, 2019

State Rep. Phil Robinson (D-Solon) today announced the rescheduled time of the Robinson Roundtable for this Saturday, December 14 at the Mayfield Public Library. The new time is noon to 2 p.m., due to an unforeseen scheduling conflict.

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Thu, Dec 12, 2019

State Rep. Phil Robinson (D-Solon) Wednesday announced the unanimous passage in the Senate of House Bill (HB) 4, his bipartisan bill alongside Rep. Tracy Richardson (R-Marysville) to help streamline the process of developing industry-recognized credential and certificate programs. This is both Rep. Robinson’s first bill as a legislator, and his first to pass both chambers to become law.

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Thu, Dec 12, 2019

State Rep. Phil Robinson (D-Solon) today announced an upcoming town hall meeting on Monday, December 9 at 6:30 p.m. at the Glenwillow Village Hallin Glenwillow, Ohio. Rep. Robinson is also holding his monthly Robinson Roundtable in-district open office hours on Saturday, Dec. 14, from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Mayfield Public Library in Mayfield Village, Ohio.

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Mon, Dec 2, 2019

State Rep. Phil Robinson (D-Solon) holds in-district office hours, or “Robinson Roundtables,” on the second Saturday of each month from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., giving constituents the opportunity to meet either one-on-one or in small groups with Rep. Robinson and discuss the issues that matter to them and their families. Robinson Roundtables are always at one of the six Cuyahoga County Public Libraries in Ohio House District 6.

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Tue, Nov 5, 2019

State Rep. Phil Robinson (D-Solon) today announced several public, in-district events, including his upcoming “Robinson Roundtable” open office hours on Saturday, Nov. 9, from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Independence Public Library, as well as a Veteran’s Day Town Hall, Monday, November 11, at 6:30 p.m. in the Gates Mills Community Building in Gates Mills, Ohio.

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Tue, Nov 5, 2019

State Rep. Phil Robinson (D-Solon) today announced the beginning of a new series of town hall meetings he is holding throughout House District 6. The first of these town halls will be held on October 30th at 7:00 PM at Broadview Heights City Hall.

The District 6 Town Hall tour is part of Rep. Robinson’s effort to reach out to the communities of District 6 and fulfill his goal of holding a town hall in all 17 communities of the district. The goal is to hold one town hall per month over the next year. For 2019, town halls will be held in Broadview Heights, Gates Mills, and Glenwillow. Future announcements will give details on the 2020 town halls.

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Wed, Oct 23, 2019

State Rep. Phil Robinson (D-Solon) today announced the cancelation of the Robinson Roundtable previously scheduled for this Saturday, October 12 at 10:00 a.m. at the Gates Mills Public Library. Robinson said he will not be able to attend due to a scheduling conflict.

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Thu, Oct 10, 2019