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Rep. Humphrey Announces Enactment of House Bill 50

Ohio to Implement Certificate of Qualification for Housing
June 25, 2024
Latyna M. Humphrey News

Press Release Thumbnail

COLUMBUS – State Rep. Latyna M. Humphrey (D-Columbus) today proudly announced that House Bill (HB) 50, legislation aimed at establishing a Certificate of Qualification for Housing (CQH) for returning citizens, was signed into law by Governor Mike DeWine Friday, June 21st. The bill, which passed both chambers of the Ohio Legislature, is set to take effect 90 days from that day.

HB 50 introduces a structured process for returning citizens to apply for a Certificate of Qualification for Housing, designed to facilitate fair consideration in housing applications and provide important protections to landlords who accept tenants with such certificates.

"This legislation represents a significant stride in ensuring returning citizens have a fair opportunity to secure stable housing," said Rep. Humphrey. "By establishing the Certificate of Qualification for Housing, we are addressing a crucial barrier that many face upon reentry into our communities."

Introduced on February 15, 2023, HB 50 garnered strong bipartisan support, passing the Ohio House with a vote of 80-8 on May 24, 2023, and receiving unanimous approval in the Ohio Senate last month with a 29-1 vote.

One notable development is that the Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority has already committed to accepting the Certificate of Qualification for Housing, signaling early adoption and support from key housing providers in Ohio.

Under the provisions of HB 50, landlords who accept tenants with a Certificate of Qualification for Housing will receive protections against liability for those tenants' actions. This measure aims to encourage broader acceptance of individuals seeking to rebuild their lives through stable housing opportunities.

Furthermore, returning citizens who obtain a Certificate of Qualification for Housing will now be eligible to apply for public housing in the state of Ohio, marking a pivotal advancement in access to affordable housing for this demographic.

Statistics indicate that approximately 18K individuals are released from Ohio prisons annually. Studies consistently demonstrate that stable housing substantially decreases recidivism rates, underscoring the importance of initiatives like HB 50 in fostering safer communities.

The signing of HB 50 into law marks a significant advancement in Ohio's efforts to improve reentry outcomes for returning citizens. It is anticipated to positively impact thousands of individuals annually by providing them with opportunities for stable housing upon reintegration.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Photos of Rep. Humphrey’s bill being signed into law by the governor is attached to this press release.