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Rep. Humphrey Announces Bill Providing Sanction Relief for Housing Passes Senate Committee

May 7, 2024
Latyna M. Humphrey News

COLUMBUS – State Rep. Latyna M. Humphrey (D-Columbus) today celebrated the unanimous passage of House Bill (HB) 50, legislation aimed to provide relief from collateral sanctions for housing, out of the Senate Community Revitalization Committee.

Reentry in Ohio is one of the many initiatives Rep. Humphrey is known for championing at the statehouse. With over 60K individuals released from custody in Ohio over the past six years alone – a figure equivalent to the population of Youngstown – the demand for effective reintegration measures is undeniable.

"Every individual deserves a fair chance at rebuilding their lives after paying their debt to society," said Rep. Humphrey. "Yet, for many returning citizens, securing stable housing remains an elusive dream due to the stigma attached to their criminal records." 

HB 50 proposes the establishment of a Certificate of Qualification of Housing (CQH), offering a lifeline to returning citizens by providing them with a tangible means to demonstrate their rehabilitation and trustworthiness to potential landlords. This certificate, while not expunging or sealing any records, serves as a crucial tool in breaking down barriers to housing and fostering successful reintegration into society. 

"I am proud to collaborate with Rep. Bill Seitz as we champion this vital legislation," said Rep. Humphrey. "Together, we are advocating for a more just approach to reentry, one that recognizes the potential of every individual and the need for opportunity."

This legislation is supported by many social justice and housing associations, including the Ohio Real Estate Investors Association, Ohio Justice & Policy Center, Ohio Manufactured Homes Association, Prison Fellowship, Catholic Conference of Ohio, and the Ohio Home Builders Association.

 As HB 50 progresses through the legislative process, its proponents remain steadfast in their commitment to providing a pathway for returning citizens to reclaim their lives and contribute meaningfully to their communities. By addressing the systemic challenges faced by individuals with criminal records, Ohio has the opportunity to pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable society.