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Ohio Historic Preservation Caucus Forms to Advocate for Cultural Heritage

May 10, 2024
Joseph A. Miller, III News

COLUMBUS, Ohio – State legislators and stakeholders met May 9th to form the Ohio Historic Preservation Caucus to support preservation efforts for historic structures, landmarks and other treasures that are part of the state’s rich cultural heritage.

The Ohio Historic Preservation Caucus is a bipartisan, bicameral group led by Republican and Democrat co-chairs in the Ohio House of Representatives and the Ohio Senate. Rep. Joe Miller (D-Amherst) and Rep. Bob Peterson (R-Sabina) are the House co-chairs, Sen. Theresa Gavarone (R-Bowling Green) and Sen. Hearcel Craig (D-Columbus) are the Senate co-chairs. 

“It is never too early or too late to put our efforts into preserving Ohio’s rich history,” said State Rep. Miller. “As a co-chair of the Ohio Historic Preservation Caucus, I am honored to help lead the charge in preserving and promoting Ohio’s rich heritage for generations to come. It is a privilege to work with Ohio History Connection to bring the necessary stakeholders together in this endeavor. As a commissioner on the Ohio Commission for the U.S. Semi quincentennial, I believe that co-chairing the Ohio Historic Preservation Caucus affords us another opportunity to prepare for the upcoming events as we celebrate Ohio’s contribution to 250 years as a nation.”

The caucus met at the Ohio History Center for an organizational meeting and to provide an overview of the impact that historic preservation has had in Ohio. Its structure and mission are similar to the Congressional Historic Preservation Caucus, in which the state of Ohio has widespread, bipartisan membership, including Co-Chair Congressman Mike Turner.

The purpose of the Ohio Historic Preservation Caucus is to be able to quickly mobilize its members and convey its positions on various measures and initiatives to each chamber’s leadership teams and other governmental agencies.

“We are excited about the formation of the Ohio Historic Preservation Caucus,” said Ohio History Connection Executive Director and CEO Megan Wood. “Historic preservation is essential to Ohio history, as well as an economic development engine for every part of our state. Working with this caucus certainly will further the mission of the Ohio History Connection.”

Future meetings of the Ohio Historic Preservation Caucus will be held in the future. The caucus will work with many stakeholders, including the Ohio History Connection, Heritage Ohio and other preservation advocates.

Please reach out to aides Chloe Donovan from Rep. Miller’s office at or Riley Eberhart from Rep. Peterson’s office at for more information.