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JCARR Completes Review of Cannabis Duel-Use Licensure Rules

Penultimate hurdle cleared to allow for the recreational sale of Cannabis to Ohioans
May 13, 2024
Jamie Callender News

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COLUMBUS – The Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review (JCARR) today completed its review of the Division of Cannabis Control’s duel-use licensure rules, announced JCARR Co-Chair State Rep. Jamie Callender (R-Concord). The rules may now be final filed by the Division of Cannabis Control as early as May 27th and begin accepting applications for duel-use licenses ahead of their June 7, 2024 deadline.

Established by the passage of Issue 2 in November, 2023, the Division of Cannabis Control was directed to create an application to enable existing medical marijuana dispensaries, processors, and cultivators to apply for a duel-use license. This duel-use license, called a 10(B) license by the Division of Cannabis Control, will enable these existing medical cannabis licensees to incorporate the sale, cultivation, or processing of adult-use cannabis into their existing business. 

"Thank you to the members of the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review for their thoughtful consideration of the rule package proposed by the Ohio Division of Cannabis Control,” said Tom Haren, spokesman for the Ohio Cannabis Coalition (OHCANN). “OHCANN and our members look forward to continuing to work with Rep. Callender, the Committee, and the Division to develop a safe and regulated cannabis market for adult Ohioans. Together we can put an end to the unregulated illicit market."

Upon the completion of the JCARR review process, the penultimate administrative hurdle has been cleared for the sale of adult use cannabis in Ohio. When the Division of Cannabis Control files the rules with the Ohio Secretary of State, referred to as final filing, the rules will take effect and the application process can begin.

“I want to thank Superintendent Canepa and the team at the Division of Cannabis Control for their diligent efforts in getting these rules through the JCARR process well ahead of their June 7th deadline,” said Callender. “Ohioans spoke clearly last November and Superintendent Canepa has worked with the cannabis industry to bring adult-use cannabis to the people of Ohio.”

Additional rule packages will continue to make their way through the JCARR process as the Division of Cannabis Control implements additional aspects of Issue 2.