Pavliga Announces Over Half-Million for Brimfield Township Roadwork Improvements
State Rep. Gail Pavliga (R-Portage County) announces the Ohio State Controlling Board approved $550,000 earlier today to fund public roadwork improvements in Brimfield Township in support of Americana Development Inc.
“I’m very pleased to see this project moving forward,” said Pavliga. “This substantial funding is going to provide Americana Development Inc. with important infrastructure improvements to support their viability within Brimfield while simultaneously creating jobs.”
The approval of the $550,000 derives from a roadwork development grant, which is awarded for roadwork improvements that support the expansion or attraction of businesses. Costs that are eligible include road widening, paving, construction, reconstruction, and right-of-way infrastructure improvements such as sewer or utility lines.
The Americana Development Inc. initiative will include the construction of a new two lane road within the Maplecrest Development Industrial Park. The road will extend 2,500 linear feet off Tallmadge Road, running north to south. Additionally, the construction will provide access to both the new facility and 20 additional acres of developable land.
The project will create 40 new, full-time jobs and retain another 100 jobs.