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Rep Erika White Believes the Real State of the State is Ohioans Deserve Better

March 14, 2025
Erika White News

COLUMBUS – State Rep. Erika White (D-Springfield Twp) today responded to Governor DeWine’s State of the State address:

“Working individuals from various sectors—farmers, teachers, and professionals all contributing to local economies—have dedicated their lives, hard-earned savings, and the futures of their families to this state. Governor DeWine's recent speech centered on the importance of workforce development; however, this focus fails to address the alarming dismantling of public education. This dismantling has now spread to public higher education institutions, exacerbating the ongoing brain drain as talented individuals leave the state in search of better opportunities. Without a strong commitment to valuing education and supporting the teaching profession, we risk losing our ability to attract and retain young families and skilled professionals. A state that neglects the education of its youth cannot expect to build a vibrant future or cultivate a thriving, skilled diverse workforce.

The basic necessities of Ohioans cannot be met without a committed investment in essential services and resources.  It is imperative that we ensure access to healthcare, housing, food security, and mental health support for individuals, especially our most vulnerable populations,” said Rep. White.

House Democrats are committed in fighting for a future for all…for affordable healthcare, safer communities, strong local economies, financial relief for seniors, fairer taxes for the working people, veteran & mental health resources, community development, workers’ rights, and an equitable future where Ohio is leading the way for all its citizens.

The full House and Senate Democratic response can be viewed here.