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Dick Stein News

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COLUMBUS—State Representative Dick Stein (R-Norwalk) today announced the passage of legislation he sponsored that provides legal protections for beekeepers, aiming to support the vital industry of beekeeping and honey production in the state of Ohio.

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Wed, Mar 21, 2018

COLUMBUS—State Representative Dick Stein (R-Norwalk) today announced the passage of legislation he sponsored, House Bill 359, by the Ohio House. H.B. 359 creates voluntary ceremonial procedures for retiring the Ohio state flag with respect and dignity, in the same way such honors are paid to retiring United States flags.

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Wed, Feb 14, 2018

State Representative Dick Stein (R-Norwalk) today applauded the passage of legislation he sponsored that updates Ohio law relating to cemeteries in an effort to reflect current practices and relieve some upkeep and maintenance costs for local governments.

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Tue, Oct 24, 2017

COLUMBUS—Speaker of the Ohio House Clifford A. Rosenberger (R-Clarksville) yesterday appointed State Representative Dick Stein (R-Norwalk) to serve on the House Public Utilities Committee.

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Tue, Aug 8, 2017

COLUMBUS—State Representative Dick Stein (R-Norwalk) today announced that the Ohio House of Representatives has approved the conference committee report on Amended Substitute House Bill 49, the state operating budget. With a major focus on combating Ohio’s dangerous drug epidemic and ensuring that schools receive vital funding, the legislation provides support to areas most in need and keeps spending under the rate of inflation over the biennium. 

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Thu, Jun 29, 2017

Now that school is out for the summer, children can look forward to more fun and free time outdoors. It is easy to think of the summer months as a carefree and simple time for all, but that is just not the case for some families in our state. Food insecurity is a sad reality and serious problem for many children.

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Wed, Jun 21, 2017

COLUMBUS—State Representative Dick Stein (R-Norwalk) today announced passage of House Bill 101, the Epinephrine Accessibility Act, which seeks to make epinephrine auto-injectors more affordable and accessible for Ohioans who rely on the medication to treat life-threatening allergic reactions.

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Thu, May 11, 2017

COLUMBUS—The Ohio House of Representatives yesterday passed House Bill 49, the state operating budget. The bill addresses some of Ohio’s most pressing issues, including more than $170 million in funding towards combating Ohio’s opioid epidemic and providing additional resources to schools. Rep. Stein voted in support of the legislation.

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Wed, May 3, 2017

COLUMBUS—State Representative Dick Stein (R-Norwalk) announced that the Ohio House of Representatives yesterday passed legislation that would make Ohio’s renewable energy standards optional, promoting business growth in the state.

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Fri, Mar 31, 2017

COLUMBUS—State Representative Dick Stein (R-Norwalk) today announced the passage of legislation by the Ohio House that makes changes to drug trafficking and possession laws regarding cocaine. House Bill 4 restores the statutory penalties for possession of cocaine and clarifies the penalties for the trafficking of cocaine.

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Wed, Feb 15, 2017