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Stewart Co-sponsors Legislation to Protect Ohioans from Rising Property Taxes

October 12, 2023
Brian Stewart News

COLUMBUS – The Ohio House of Representatives recently passed the Ohio Homeowners Relief Act, legislation that will protect Ohioans by modifying the procedures used to calculate property valuations.

“To make property tax assessments more accurate, the Ohio Homeowners Relief Act evaluates the past three years of property taxes instead of relying on only the most recent year of property values,” said State Representative Brian Stewart. “This change is needed as property values have skyrocketed since 2020, and I will always fight to protect Ohio families.”

Specifically, the bill will require the Commissioner to work alongside local elected officials and weigh the past three years of a county’s property values in order to determine property tax, instead of just one.

In addition to the Ohio Homeowners Relief Act, Rep. Stewart co-sponsored House Bill 33, the Ohio state budget, which included a provision to automatically increase Ohio’s Homestead Exemption to combat inflation, providing further property tax relief for elderly Ohioans and disabled veterans.

The Ohio Homeowners Relief Actmoves to the Senate for further consideration.