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Lampton Supports House Budget Bill

April 21, 2021
Brian Lampton News

COLUMBUS – The Ohio House of Representative today passed Substitute House Bill 110, the House’s version of Ohio’s two-year budget plan. State Representative Brian Lampton (R-Beavercreek) voted in support of the bill. Among various aspects, the bill appropriates funds to Ohio Task Force One, Wright State University, the Air Force Institute of Technology, and appropriates millions in grants to assist industries in Ohio affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic. In order to reopen Ohio’s economy and support our business community, the bill also expunges violations and refunds businesses that were penalized for violating COVID-19 related orders. Additionally, the bill provides a two percent income tax cut for all Ohioans.

“Substitute House Bill 110 is a responsible, balanced budget,” said Lampton. “With appropriations to benefit everything from the taxpayer, to Wright State University students, to businesses hurt by the COVID-19 pandemic, this legislation will be impactful to families and individuals in the 73rd House District and across Ohio.”

Wright State University’s Clearance Ready Program is an initiative aimed to help students prepare for the security clearance process. It works to connect students with employers on and near the Wright Patterson Air Force Base who are in need of interns or graduates. The budget would appropriate $100 thousand each fiscal year for the Clearance Ready Program. It would also appropriate $75 thousand each fiscal year to Wright State University’s for the Model United Nations Program and the operations of the Center for Liberal Arts Student Success.

The bill would also appropriate $250 thousand each fiscal year to Ohio Task Force One. Based out of Dayton, Ohio Task Force One serves the state and nation as one of the top Urban Search and Rescue teams. The appropriation would be distributed to the Ohio Task Force One – Urban Search and Rescue Unit for the purpose of paying for its operating expenses and developing new program. 

Additionally, the budget bill would appropriate $1,724,219 to the Air Force Institute of Technology, a $200 thousand increase in each fiscal year from the Executive Budget Proposal. Of those funds, $75 thousand each fiscal year would be allocated to the Aerospace Professional Development Center in Dayton for statewide workforce development services in the aerospace industry.

The budget includes a two percent income tax cut across the board, saving Ohio taxpayers approximately $380 over the biennium. Many Ohio businesses were faced with fines of up to $2,500 for violations of COVID-19 related orders. This bill would require these fines to be refunded to the businesses while also reinstating licenses that were revoked due to these violations. 

Additionally, the legislation appropriates $155 million in grants for industries negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, including newly formed businesses. Grants from this funding will be available in the fiscal year beginning July 1. The grants include the following:

  • $100 million for bars and restaurants
  • $25 million for the lodging industry
  • $20 million for indoor and outdoor entertainment venues
  • $10 million for new businesses

The above are highlights of the very complex bill. More information on Sub. House Bill 110 can be found at The bill now heads to the Senate for consideration.