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Beth Liston News

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COLUMBUS – State Representative Beth Liston (D-Dublin) today announced the passage of the capital budget, House Bill (HB) 687, by the Ohio House of Representatives. 

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Wed, Jun 1, 2022

COLUMBUS- State Rep. Beth Liston (D-Dublin) issued the following statement in response to Wednesday’s meeting of the House Families, Aging, and Human Services Committee in which House Bill (HB) 454 had its second hearing. 

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Thu, May 19, 2022

COLUMBUS – State Rep. Beth Liston (D-Dublin) issued a statement following Wednesday’s meeting of the House Government Oversight Committee in which House Bill (HB) 598 had its first hearing. 

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Wed, Apr 27, 2022

COLUMBUS – State Rep. Beth Liston (D-Dublin) announced that the Ohio House yesterday passed House Bill (HB) 431, her bipartisan legislation to codify a stroke registry database in Ohio. 

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Thu, Mar 31, 2022

COLUMBUS – Rep. Beth Liston (D-Dublin) today filed a House Concurrent Resolution to formally recognize Dec. 1, 2021 as World AIDS Day. 

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Wed, Dec 1, 2021

COLUMBUS — State Reps. Beth Liston (D-Dublin) and Allison Russo (D-Upper Arlington) today voted in opposition to House Bill (HB) 218, Republican-backed legislation that contains last-minute changes to prohibit schools, universities and employers from requiring students or employees to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. It would also bar public and private entities from requiring proof of COVID-19 vaccination for any reason. 

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Thu, Nov 18, 2021

State Rep. Beth Liston (D-Dublin) issued a statement following Friday’s meeting of the Joint Committee on Congressional Redistricting. The committee is required to hold two public hearings on proposed congressional maps before the legislature can pass a map. 

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Fri, Nov 12, 2021

State Rep. Beth Liston (D-Dublin) issued a statement following Wednesday’s initial meeting of the Joint Committee on Congressional Redistricting. The committee is required to hold two public hearings on proposed congressional maps before the legislature can pass a map. 

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Wed, Nov 10, 2021

COLUMBUS — State Rep. Allison Russo (D-Upper Arlington), Ranking Member on the House Health Committee, and Rep. Beth Liston (D-Dublin) issued statements today after Republicans forced the House Health Committee passage of House Bill (HB) 435, anti-vaccine legislation that would expand exemptions for students and public or private employees required to get the COVID-19 vaccine. HB 435 would also grant corporations partial legal immunity from COVID-19 related law suits. The bill was passed along party lines with no opportunity for proponent or opponent testimony. 

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Tue, Sep 28, 2021

Rep. Beth Liston (D-Dublin) announced today that the state Controlling Board approved several items of note this week, including the allocation of  $175.3 million in federal funds to improve the processing of Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) claims to support Ohioans who lost their jobs during the pandemic through no fault of their own.

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Mon, Sep 20, 2021