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House Committees
Senate Committees
To view legislation from previous general assemblies, visit the Ohio Legislature site
Results 81 - 90 of 1,033
Number Title Sponsor(s) Version
S. B. No. 41 Revise the building inspection law As Passed by the Senate
H. B. No. 41 Enact The Consumer Utility Billing Transparency Act As Introduced
S. B. No. 42 Adopt the 1905 Wright Flyer III as the state airplane As Reported by the House Finance Committee
H. B. No. 42 Regulate employment practices-formula retail and food services As Introduced
S. B. No. 43 Modify homestead exemption-surviving spouse of a disabled veteran As Enrolled
H. B. No. 43 Ban taking, removal of oil or natural gas from or under Lake Erie As Introduced
S. B. No. 44 Require occupational license agency accept electronic application As Passed by the Senate
H. B. No. 44 Require electronic recordings of parole board hearings As Introduced
S. B. No. 45 Designate Veterans Memorial Bridge in Trumbull County As Passed by the Senate
H. B. No. 46 Regards notation of educator's employment on license application As Introduced