Senate Bill 2 - 136th General Assembly
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Legislation General Information
Increase power generation; improve Ohio's electric grid
Long Title +To amend sections 4903.082, 4903.221, 4905.03, 4906.01, 4906.03, 4906.06, 4906.07, 4906.10, 4909.04, 4909.05, 4909.052, 4909.06, 4909.07, 4909.08, 4909.15, 4909.156, 4909.173, 4909.174, 4909.18, 4909.19, 4909.191, 4909.42, 4928.01, 4928.05, 4928.08, 4928.14, 4928.141, 4928.142, 4928.144, 4928.17, 4928.20, 4928.23, 4928.231, 4928.232, 4928.34, 4928.542, 4928.64, 4928.645, 4929.20, 5727.01, 5727.031, 5727.06, 5727.11, 5727.111, and 5727.75; to enact sections 122.161, 3706.51, 3706.52, 4903.27, 4905.311, 4905.321, 4905.331, 4909.041, 4909.042, 4909.181, 4909.192, 4909.193, 4909.47, 4928.041, 4928.101, 4928.102, 4928.103, 4928.149, 4928.1410, 4928.73, 4929.221, 4929.222, and 5727.76; and to repeal sections 3706.40, 3706.41, 3706.43, 3706.431, 3706.45, 3706.46, 3706.49, 3706.491, 3706.55, 3706.551, 3706.59, 3706.63, 3706.65, 4928.143, 4928.148, and 4928.642 of the Revised Code regarding public utilities and competitive retail electric and natural gas services, to make changes regarding electric company property taxation, and repeal parts of H.B. 6 of the 133rd General Assembly.
Current Version
As Pending in the Senate Energy Committee
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